Elderberry Syrup Recipe (VIDEO) (2024)

Elderberry Syrup Recipe (VIDEO) (1)

Hippocrates is said to have called the elder plant his “medicine chest,” and for thousands of years its therapeutic properties have been revered in folk medicine. (1)

Now studies are starting to confirm what tradition has long held:elderberriesare a delicious and effective way to support immune function during cold and flu season. (2)

Unlikefire cider, which supports the immune system through an apple cider vinegar infusion of pungent and spicy herbs, this elderberry syrup recipe uses a sweet and simple decoction of berries and honey.

It’s delicious, kid-approved, and super easy to make. We’ll dive into the benefits soon, but as always I want to mention that none of these statements have been evaluated by the FDA, this article is not medical advice, and it is not meant to diagnose or treat any condition. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s dive in.

So, what is elderberry syrup exactly?

It’s an herbal syrup, which is a decoction (long-simmered tea) mixed with a sweetener such as raw honey to extend the shelf life. Elderberry syrup is typically made with black elderberry (Sambucus nigra), but can also be made with sweet elderberry (Sambucus canadensis).

Both varieties are rich in constituents that have long been revered for their ability to support healthy immune function, cardiovascular health, and more.

Elderberries yield a syrup that is sweet and delicious, which makes it easier to get family members on board about taking it. They’re also rich in antioxidants such as anthocyanins and quercetin, which have health benefits we’ll discuss below.

Elderberry Syrup Recipe (VIDEO) (2)

Benefits of Elderberry Syrup

According to herbalist Rosemary Gladstar, “Travel through any European country in wintertime, and you’ll find a variety of elder products lining pharmacy shelves.” (3)

That’s because the compounds in elderberries work synergistically to support the body in a variety of ways. Here’s an overview:

Immune Support

Elderberries are one of the most concentrated sources of a flavonoid called anthocyanin, which is found in lower amounts in blueberries and blackberries. Anthocyanins are potent antioxidants that have immune supporting properties. (4)

Inthis Norwegian study, researchers found that flu patients who received elderberry extract noticed a reduction in symptoms about four days sooner than those who received a placebo.Another studyconducted at the University of Sydney found similar results.

Elderberries are also a good source of betacarotene (a precursor to vitamin A), calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6, iron, valerianic acid, viburnic and shikimic acids, tyrosine, and other health supporting alkaloids. (5)

They’re also naturally rich in vitamin C, but cooking breaks down vitamin C and elderberries need to be cooked before they’re consumed. If you eat more than a small handful of fresh berries, they can have a laxative effect and cause digestive upset.

Respiratory & Sinus Support

According toThe Herbal Apothecary, elderberries support the body’s natural process of resolving excess phlegm.

Cardiovascular Support

Elderberries are rich in a flavonoid called quercetin that supports the strength and integrity of capillaries. For people already within normal range, quercetin can support optimal blood pressure levels. (6)

The antioxidants in elderberry also support cardiovascular health by protecting lipids from oxidation. (7)

Vitamin C Absorption

The flavonoids in elderberries also help the body absorb vitamin C, which is essential for processes like collagen synthesis in addition to immune function. (8)

Ways To Use Elderberry Syrup

  • Inelderberry gummies
  • Added to smoothies
  • Drizzled over grain-freepancakesorwaffles
  • Stirred intodairy-free coconut yogurtor oatmeal
  • As a sweetener for tea
  • Mixed with sparkling water and a squeeze of lemon to make a mocktail

How To Make Elderberry Syrup (Video)

As I cover inthis post on different types of herbal preparations, dried berries need a little coaxing to release their therapeutic compounds. The best way to extract their goodness is to simmer them in water for 20-60 minutes (depending on the type of berry and what you’re making).

Here’s a video that shows the step-by-step process for making elderberry syrup. If you prefer written instructions, you’ll find them in the next section below.

Elderberry Syrup Recipe

This elderberry syrup recipe uses a sweet and simple decoction of berries and honey. It's a delicious, easy, and kid-approved way to support immune function during sniffle season.

Recipe yields approximately two cups total.

Prep Time 10 minutes minutes

Cook Time 45 minutes minutes

Cooling time 40 minutes minutes

Total Time 1 hour hour 10 minutes minutes

Servings 96 teaspoons

Calories 11kcal

Author Heather Dessinger



  • Add water, elderberries and ginger/cinnamon (if you're using them) to a pot and bring to a boil.

  • Reduce heat and simmer until liquid is reduced by half. This should take around 45 minutes.

  • Pour the liquid through a fine mesh strainer or cheeseclothto remove the berries. Allow liquid to cool to room temperature, then stir in the honey.

  • Transfer elderberry syrup to a mason jar (or other glass jar with a lid) and refrigerate.


Honey should not be given to children under one. For alternative options see the FAQ section below.

Sometimes instead of ginger root and cinnamon, I opt for 1-3 tablespoons rosehips. Like elderberries, rosehips are rich in antioxidants that support immune function, but the real reason I switch them out is just to keep things interesting in the flavor department.

The version made with ginger and cinnamon is warming and cozy, while the version made with rosehips is more crisp and refreshing, especially if you mix it with some sparkling mineral water and a squeeze of lime.

Nutritional values are estimates.


Serving: 1tsp | Calories: 11kcal | Carbohydrates: 3g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 1g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 1g | Sodium: 1mg | Potassium: 4mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 3g | Vitamin A: 5IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 1mg | Iron: 1mg

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to the most common questions I’ve received over the years. If you don’t see your question mentioned, please leave it in the comments below!

What is the shelf life?

It will keep in the refrigerator for several months, which is plenty long for my family since my kids always make sure to get their teaspoon full. If you want to extend the shelf life even further, though, you can use replace 1/2 of the honey with brandy.

Can I use maple syrup or glycerin instead of honey?

Yes. Glycerin is sweet like honey and also helps extend shelf life. From what I’ve read, syrups made with glycerin should have a similar shelf life to those made with honey.

Maple syrup will work but it will reduce the shelf life significantly. One way to get around that would be to freeze it in ice cube trays and thaw every few days as needed.

What if I don’t have time to make my own elderberry syrup?

My top choice would be Genexa’sKids Immune Support, which is made with organic elderberry and other clinically supported ingredients likemarshmallow rootand echinacea.

It’s a great alternative to homemade elderberry syrup when life feels too full to make extra batches, and even though it says “kids” in the name I’ve found it’s potent enough to use for me to use, too.

How much elderberry syrup much should I take?

Though highly valued for their therapeutic purposes, elderberries are a food. They’re used to makepie,jellyandwine, so there isn’t a specific “dosage” for them any more than there is one for dark cherries.

That said here are some guidelines that have been traditionally followed:

  • To support immune function throughout cold and flu season– One-half to one teaspoon per day for children, and one and a half teaspoons to tablespoon for adults.
  • During illness– The frequency of administration increases to every 2-3 hours until the symptoms resolve.

I’ve heard that people with autoimmune conditions should not take elderberry. Is that true?

According to Katja Swift and Ryn Midura, founders of the CommonWealth Center for Holistic Herbalism and co-authors ofHerbal Medicine for Beginners, “Unlike some immune-stimulating herbs, elder is typically well tolerated in individuals with autoimmune conditions.”

Is elderberry syrup safe to use when pregnant or breastfeeding?

According to theAHPA Botanical Safety Handbook, elderberries are a Safety Class 1A herb, which is described as:

“Herbs that can be safely consumed when used appropriately.

  • History of safe traditional use
  • No case reports of significant adverse eventswith high probability of causality
  • No significant adverse events in clinical trials
  • No identified concerns for use during pregnancyor lactation
  • No innately toxic constituents
  • Toxicity associated with excessive use is not abasis for exclusion from this class
  • Minor or self-limiting side effects are not bases for exclusion from this class”

However, as mentioned above, consuming raw, fresh elderberries can cause digestive upset and a laxative effect.

Can I use fresh elderberry juice instead of tea?

Uncookedelderberries contain a compound that can causenausea and GI symptoms. Heat breaks down the compound so that it doesn’t cause issues, so I only recommend using tea.

Technically you could heat the fresh elderberryjuice to deactivate the compound, but since I have not done it personally I can’t advise on the best approach.

Can I reuse the berries to make more than one batch?

Some people do. The second batch won’t be as potent, but it will still have some therapeutic properties.

Can I make elderberry syrup in my Instant Pot pressure cooker?

It’s definitely possible, but when I researched methods they seemed to involve more hassle than the traditional stovetop method so I haven’t tried them.

Elderberry Syrup Recipe (VIDEO) (4)

More Elderberry Recipes

When you order a bag of elderberries to make this syrup, chances are you’ll have some leftover. You can use it to make:

– When you’re making a batch of elderberry syrup, adding in a few quick additional steps will yield a jar of syrup AND jam for just .000001% more effort.

Elderberry Tea– This easy version is delicious and can be adapted to include other herbs that go well with elderberries. Echinacea is a great one to include.

Fizzy Elderberry Soda– This soda is a delicious way to support immune function naturally.

There are two simple methods for making it: A five minute version and a fermented version that’s chock-full of probiotics.

Want more research-backed natural remedies?

No problem, I’ve created a free ebook for you – Kitchen Apothecary: 25+ Natural Remedies Using Ingredients From Your Pantry – as a gift for signing up for my newsletter. You’ll also get updates when I post about safe essential oils for pregnant/breastfeeding mamas, exclusive gifts and coupons (I was able to give away a jar of free coconut oil to anyone who wanted it recently!), plus other goodies.

Sign up using the form below.

Elderberry Syrup Recipe (VIDEO) (5)


1. American Botanical Council.The ABC Clinical Guide To Elderberry.

2. Gladstar, Rosemary (2012)Rosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs: 33 Healing Herbs to Know, Grow and Use

3, Ozgen, Mustafa et. al. (2010)Total phenolic, anthocyanin contents and antioxidant capacity of selected elderberry (Sambucus canadensis L.) accessions

4. Charlebois, D. (2007)Elderberry as a Medicinal Plant

Related Posts

  • How To Grow Elderberries From Cuttings

  • 14 Tried And True Remedies For Cold And Flu Season

  • How To Make Fizzy Elderberry Soda

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Elderberry Syrup Recipe (VIDEO) (2024)


Is it OK to take elderberry syrup everyday? ›

Elderberry supplements seem to have few risks when used daily for up to five days. The safety of its long-term use is unknown. Risks. Never eat or drink any product made from raw elderberry fruit, flowers, or leaves.

How many days in a row can you take elderberry syrup? ›

Elderberry syrups and supplements made from reputable companies can be taken daily, even multiples times daily. Elderberry products, like Sambucol Black Elderberry Syrup and Sambucol Black Elderberry Gummies, are made from elderberry fruits. That means you're taking in a highly concentrated source of fruit.

How long to cook elderberries to remove toxins? ›

Cooking elderberries is not just a culinary step; it's a safety measure. To neutralize toxins, specifically cyanide-inducing glycosides, heat treatment is a must. Boiling elderberries for at least 30 minutes is the go-to method. This ensures the destruction of harmful compounds.

What form of elderberry is most effective? ›

When it comes to maintaining a strong immune system, black elderberries (Sambucus nigra) are the preferred choice.

What not to mix with elderberry? ›

Because elderberry may stimulate the immune system, it could interfere with medications taken to suppress the immune system. These medications include corticosteroids (prednisone) and medications used to treat autoimmune diseases. People with organ transplants should also avoid elderberry.

Are there negative side effects of elderberry? ›

The common side effects of taking raw elderberry plant products, such as fruit, flower, leaves, bark, or root include: Stomach problems. Nausea and vomiting. Diarrhea and constipation.

Is elderberry safe for your liver? ›

Cardiovascular disease risk biomarkers and liver and kidney function are not altered in postmenopausal women after ingesting an elderberry extract rich in anthocyanins for 12 weeks.

Should you take elderberry syrup in the morning or at night? ›

Although there is no specific time of day to take elderberry, you'll maximize its benefits by using it consistently on a regular basis. You can choose whether to use it morning, afternoon or evening. It may be best to use elderberry for short periods of time to support healthy immune function, and then take a break.

Does elderberry syrup need to be refrigerated? ›

We get asked all the time, “Do I need to refrigerate my syrup?” And the answer is YES! Most of the store-bought elderberry syrups out there are packed with preservatives, which is why they can last in the medicine cabinet for so long. Most preservatives are sugar laden and unhealthy for our bodies.

Is homemade elderberry syrup safe? ›

Elderberries can be toxic when eaten raw but are safe to eat when cooked. The standard preparation method of boiling them down to make a “syrup” or “gummy” makes them safe to eat (figure 1).

Does boiling elderberries destroy vitamin C? ›

Elderberries contain vitamin C, but much of it is destroyed by heat. Adding lemon juice provides an additional vitamin C boost to the syrup.

Can you overdo elderberry? ›

The bark, unripe berries, and seeds contain small amounts of substances known as lectins, which can cause stomach problems if too much is eaten (2). In addition, the elderberry plant contains substances called cyanogenic glycosides, which can release cyanide in some circ*mstances.

What is the healthiest way to consume elderberry? ›

There are several elderberry supplement options and preparations, such as gummies, lozenges, syrups and teas, but the most popular and best way to consume elderberry is in syrup form.

What is better Ashwagandha or elderberry? ›

While Elderberry primarily targets immune health, upper respiratory health, allergies, and acts as an anti-viral - Ashwagandha benefits the brain, lung function, and relieves stress. Put the two together, and you have powerful herbs that benefit so many parts of the body.

Can you take elderberry syrup long term? ›

Elderberry extract is possibly safe when taken for up to 12 weeks. There isn't enough reliable information to know if it is safe to use for longer than 12 weeks. It is possibly unsafe to consume elder leaves or stems, or unripe or uncooked elderberries.

Does taking elderberry everyday help your immune system? ›

The berries and flowers of elderberry are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that may boost your immune system. They could help tame inflammation, lessen stress, and help protect your heart, too. Some experts recommend elderberry to help prevent and ease cold and flu symptoms.

Does elderberry syrup detox your body? ›

The humble elderberry is considered to be quite the superfood. It was first used by early indigenous people of the Americas to brew up heady concoctions to boost the immune system, detox and cleanse the body, reduce inflammation, and to treat fevers, cold, and flu too.

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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.