1. OVID, Metamorphoses | Loeb Classical Library
User Account. Sign In · Create Profile. More. Contact Us · How to Subscribe ... Share Link. Copy this link, or click below to email it to a friend. Email this ...
My mind is bent to tell of bodies changed into new forms. Ye gods, for you yourselves have wrought the changes, breathe on these my undertakings, and bring down my song in unbroken strains from the w...
2. [PDF] towards a functional systematicity of the Latin narrative tenses - UGent
In this paper, Livy's use of the Latin narrative tenses is examined from a functionalist point of view. Assuming that three levels of meaning (referential,.
3. Catullus - The Latin Library
Et tu ne pugna cum tali coniuge virgo. non aequom est pugnare, pater cui ... et corpus evirastis Veneris nimio odio; hilarate erae citatis erroribus ...
1 2 2b 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14b 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 58b 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 78b 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 95b 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116
4. Latin word list - UBC Math
corpus corporis : body, corpse. correptius : more shortly. corrigo ... pugna : fight, battle, conflict, set-to. pugnacitas : the desire to fight ...
5. El "charolazo". Ponderación e interpretación de derechos en pugna ...
El "charolazo". Ponderación e interpretación de derechos en pugna · A. Gímate-Welsh, Edwin Cuitláhuac Ramírez Díaz · Published 2014 · Philosophy.
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "El "charolazo". Ponderación e interpretación de derechos en pugna" by A. Gímate-Welsh et al.
6. On the History of Ante(s): Exaptation of Adverbial –s? - MDPI
In this paper we will describe the historical development of the Spanish doublet ante-antes ('before') and explore the question whether a process of ...
In this paper we will describe the historical development of the Spanish doublet ante-antes (‘before’) and explore the question whether a process of exaptation is involved (cf. Lass 1990). We will argue that the final –s of antes, that originally marked the adverbial status of the word, in the course of time had become a kind of morphological ‘junk’ (cf. Lass 1990) and, subsequently, could be exploited in order to encode the semantic opposition between temporal meaning on the one hand, and adversative meaning on the other hand. However, based on quantitative data we will show that the incipient semantic redistribution over the course of the 16th century rather suddenly collapsed, leading to a differentiation between the prepositional ante and adverbial antes.
7. SILIUS ITALICUS, Punica | Loeb Classical Library
Silius Italicus. demetit. haud ullus terrarum aequarit hiatus pugnarum damna; aut strages per inhospita lustra umquam tot dederit rabies horrenda ferarum.
the earth could cost as many lives; and no fearful rage of wild beasts could ever work such carnage in their savage haunts. Plains and valleys soon were soaked, and weapons lost their edge. Africans ...
8. [PDF] The Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela: an Instrument of the ...
In general, the Supreme Court held that “the participation of the National Assembly in the matter of the appointment of the highest authorities of the public ...
9. La vivienda: un derecho "aparente" que pugna por ser un derecho ...
La vivienda: un derecho "aparente" que pugna por ser un derecho eficaz · M. Ordovás · Published 2013 · Philosophy.
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "La vivienda: un derecho "aparente" que pugna por ser un derecho eficaz" by M. Ordovás
10. ORB: Latin Word List
concateno : to link together, bind together. concavo : to hollow out ... pugna : fight, battle, conflict, set-to. pugnacitas : the desire to fight ...
I would like to thank those who have contributed entries to this facility, and I would encourage anyone who uses it and finds it useful to send lists of possible additions in the form of simple text with the same format as appears in the wordlist to lhnelson@raven.cc.ukans.edu. I claim no rights to this material, and anyone may use it in any manner they see fit.
11. [PDF] Craftsmen, Identity, and Status in the Literature of Flavian Rome
corpus, for example in epigram 10.4. We should be wary, then, to take his ... epic link, for the learned reader to decipher. However, he comically ...
12. Estefanía Bournot | Austrian Academy of Sciences - Academia.edu
https://www.estefaniabournot.com/ I am a Research Affiliate at the Centre for Inter-American Studies at the University of Bielefeld (Germany) and APART-GSK…
13. Word order in the Latin DP: the Syntax of Demonstratives - Academia.edu
... corpus, as well as through the study of the construction with the verbs ... pugna & %, C(48(6' fratres & / , met, 3(4>' Graeci versiculi &2 , -3 ...
“Word order in the Latin DP: the Syntax of Demonstratives”
14. The Old English Life of Saint Margaret in London, British Library ... - Gale
... Corpus Life. (27) Finally, in the following interrogation scene, Margaret ... Finally, another link of the Life of St. Margaret with other texts of the ...
Gale Literature Resource Center includes The Old English Life of Saint Margaret in London, Briti by Claudia Di Sciacca. Click to explore.
15. Full text of "Livy in Thirteen Volumes: With an English Translation by B.O. ...
— Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, vol. i. 2 Berlin, 1893-5. Diod. = Diodorus ... Fugae quoque, quae simulanda erat, eadem equestris pugna causam 8 minus mirabilem ...
16. [PDF] Temas introductorios al estudio de Relaciones Internacionales - FCPyS
en el planteamiento de los paradigmas vigentes en el corpus ... Teorías en pugna de las Relaciones Internacionales, traducción Cristina Piña, Grupo Editorial.