MHA react to the Dekuverse - Chapter 15 - GodSlayer2468 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

Verse Found: Curse Midoriya

Slayer looked at the screen, and he saw it randomly going through verses under Slayer's control and choosing the next one. Soon, it finally landed on a verse they would be viewing next.

Verse Found: Curse Midoriya

Slayer: "'s this verse...."

Ida: "Hmm, I wonder what this verse will be about? With a title like that, it can go different ways?"

Shoto: "Any idea's curse? Midoriya sounds like Midoriya might have a villain base quirk."

Momo: "It's possible it would fit with something Slayer would do. I don't think we had a verse where Midoirya has a villain-type quirk. We've seen him be a villain, but is the quirk itself considered a villain-based quirk? It would go along with something that would fit Slayer would want to show us."

Shoji: "I'm more curious about what Slayer will talk about. Can we see what we can take from this verse? Let's be honest. We get something important from Slayer; let it be his world, another world, or our world/verse."

Jiro: "That you do have a point. The last few verses have been heavy stuff for us, really. So I wonder how this one will go before we go on break after this."

Shigaraki: "Ughh, please don't be boring. The last few verses haven't been that entertaining to watch, but I will say they have been informational."

AFO: "Tell us, Slayer, how you plan to mess us up this time. You've been trying to send a message for this set of verses we've been watching."

Most of the cast looked at Slayer, but what threw them off was that Slayer didn't make a snarky comment, he didn't make a joke, hell, he didn't even throw shade at anyone? No, this time, he was dead silent. What really got many of them, mainly the adults, was the look in Slayer's eyes; they were cold, motionless, and barely had any color. And that's saying something for a guy with two different colored eyes. To make them even more questions, Slayer ignores AFO's comment/question and turns toward his girlfriend, Nagant/Kaina Tsutsumi.

Slayer: "Hey dear, can you do a favor."

Kaina: "Hmm? Sure, what do you want me to do?"

Slayer: "Can you check on the others, mainly the kids. I'll come get you when the verse is over. Sorry."

Kaina: "Oh? Um, ok? Well, be careful, dear. If something comes up or you want me to return, just call me."

Slayer: *soft smile* "I will, don't worry."

Kaina gave Slayer a quick kiss on the cheek before taking her leave. Now, that really made people question what type of verse this is!?! Then, the next thing they all saw was Slayer snap his finger, and both Eri and Kota were teleported away.

Slayer: "Sorry, I can't let them see this verse." Slayer turns around, his back turned towards the cast, and he takes his seat.

Nighteye: "That does not bold well!!?!"

Mirio: "The last time he did this was with the villain Deku verse."

Dabi: "About time we get to see some good stuff."

Twice: "No more mushy crap/It was so good!!"

Death: "Something tells me it's a verse; you didn't want Kaina to see for a reason?" Slayer nodded his head. "Is she in it?" Slayer shakes his head; no. Death-sensei had a good feeling then. "Ah....I's been a while since I got this side of you. For a minute, I thought you had put this other self away and were trying to please someone out there. But it's good to see you still in there...isn't that right, Reaper Slayer." Slayer had a cold, soul-dead look in his eyes, and his sharing was active.

The verse opens in Hosu, where we see Ida, Shoto, and Midoriya getting carried by the Native hero out of the alleyway, with a tie-up and unconscious Stain behind them.

Kendo: "Strange? I guess in this verse, they beat Stain without Endeavor's help. That was pretty impressive." The three boys who were there went stiff.

Mirio: "That's such an amazing feat—going against the hero killer with no pro around. Wow, Midoriya, you really are something, man."

Izuku: "Heheh, y-yeah. R-Really needs help from Endeavor."

Dabi: "Tch, yeah, he must have needed the kids as a body shield while he took all the glory."

Stain: "I think it's time for the truth to come out." Many of the cast look over at Stain.

Shigaraki: "The crap you're babbling about now-." Suddenly, Shigaraki remembered something. "Wait a minute...."

Stain: "I was never beaten by the false hero Endeavor. No....I was defeated by a true hero! Izuku Midoriya and his two friends as well!" Many people spit out their drinks.

Fat Gum: "W-What?!! That can't be right?!?!"

Shinso: "The report said Endeavor took you down, and he saved them from you."

Stain: "Please, the current false #1 hero never even got a chance to fight me. I refuse to lose to some false hero! The only time I lost to one was before I became who I am today, and the false hero who took up the name Ingenium."

Ida gritted his teeth but knew he had no right to speak. At that time, he didn't prove to be a righteous hero. He acts like a false one. But he is making strides to be a better hero. And one day, he will make the hero named Ingenium proud. Ida was planning to move more, but then-

Slayer: "No, you're wrong, Stain; you didn't lose to any other false hero. You only lost to knuckle dusters." Everyone looked at Slayer, who turned slightly and saw his red, piercing Sharingan eyes. Making a few have a shiver go down their spine. "Like I stated in the last break, how you got to pick and choose who was a false hero or not. But it also made super hypocritical; after checking your record, most of your targets weren't even bad heroes. You just kill heroes blindly to push your agenda because you couldn't accept the damn fact you were failing at your crappy hero work prior, if you want to call it that, before getting your ass handed to you by a real person who has actual hand-to-hand combat."

Slayer: "Barely you did any homework for real; if you really did, instead of jumping at the opportunity to take out a real 'false' hero, you attack a good man and brother. Instead, try being an actual assassin of your craft, studying your targets and learning about them; see if they're worthy of what it takes to be a righteous hero. You quickly judge who is a 'real' hero and who isn't. You might have been right about Midoriya. But what if you kill one of his classmates? Let's say Mina? Someone who wants to be a hero to have fun and bring smiles and joy to everyone but doesn't take her stuff too seriously? How do you think a group of kids would react? All different spectrums of the world come from different backgrounds, experiences, and challenges, raised with different codes and honors. How do you expect them to react?"

Slayer: "Oh, you attack my friend? You cripple them!?! They lost their dream, a way to support those around them or themselves? Darn, I guess I have to thank you. Can you show me this as a lesson? Pft, don'tmake me laugh!It is the same as attacking a loved one; let's say you try to take on my girlfriend, Kaina? And you MAGICALLY ass pull your way to a victory and cripple her or, worse, kill her? Because you what? You saw her kill people and were ordered to make her a lap dog? So she lost her way and couldn't see being a righteous hero? And long behold, did she have a daughter or a significant other? And you don't expect them to be upset."

Slayer: "What you are asking for is for the next generation to not only step up and prove they are better than the previous ones. Don't make the same mistake, but with each new child born and you killing off heroes, let's say their loved ones, parents, siblings, hell, even maybe their own kids. It asks us to go to war and not harbor any feelings for the side that wins. With every kill you did, you were getting some results with the area you were hitting, causing the patrol and work of other heroes to pick up the slack, but can we really say that was having a good effect? That's up for debate."

Slayer: "But what you were also adding to the problem of society. You weren't helping it by cleaning up 'filth' no. All you did was take out heroes you knew were weaker than you? Sure, you had to build up your skill set, but you clearly were strong enough and have made a name for yourself; why didn't you take on some of the big-name heroes out there that people knew? You kept targeting all the small ones? You didn't even try to see why so many heroes get through the crack? You could go for the Hero commission to send a real message. You weren't sending a message or helping anyone. You were also acting like a bully more smoothly and convincingly."

Slayer: "And many, myself semi-close included, fell into your little statement of false hero. Yes, society might have been broken, and you might have told us. But the real message was that you are a huge hypocrite about heroes and are trying to paint yourself as this hero that the world needs but doesn't want. No, no, not really. People love to praise you for all your saying and crap you did. But most typical people don't actually drive into your whole point and statement and try to see it from a sphere view. They see it as a straight-lane lens. Because a person that's out-right proves your statement wrong in seconds." Slayer quickly looks at Uraraka before returning to Stain and then to them.

Slayer: "And to make your hypocrite ass even more wrong, to you, people can't change. Not for the better; you think once that moment happens, or they show some ounce of greed, out of control, anger, or bad emotion in your eyes on the job, or you know, human?! They're not a hero in your world. But I'm sorry, aren't you the one who got their butt kicked and couldn't handle it, turning himself into some 'false' hero of justice or some person doing good."

Slayer: "And do my earlier statement with your 'results' of making other heroes pick up the slack. Now, why, yes, is that what we want? Let's look at it in a wider scope. Having fewer heroes patrolling an area causes them to spread themselves thin; it forces, let's say, a newer rookie who might not have any fighting experience or is lacking and still needs a mentor with them to watch them won't be around because they have to go help another area because that hero in that area was out of commission. And that needs to consider the exhaustion that comes with that; a hero will be running around so much sooner or later, they will get tired. Your world isn't a place where you can spam your gift."

Slayer: "Which will cause more death, let it be by younger rookies or the seasoned veteran falling to the point of exhaustion he can't work, and they either have to retire from working themselves to the bone or worst-case scenario...they die." Slayer did not hold back his words towards the hero killer.

It was quite a shocker for a few; they remember how Slayer got on Stain on the last break but didn't go in-depth. But this time, he wasn't messing around, and his voice was so cold to drive this point home; he made sure Stain, and they understood what Slayer was trying to convey.

Slayer: "So Stain, tell me, where in your action was you doing the right thing? Why, I don't care about killing, but if you're going to do senseless killing, it better be for a good reason and trying to go for a bigger goal. And frankly, all senseless killing did was make people paint you in this picture as a great and smart person. While the message and your goal were clear, how you did it was completely foolish. So please tell me where I'm wrong. What you were doing was a righteous call, and it was something that was called for?"

Stain: "..............You are a man who does his homework."

Slayer: "If I'm going to talk, I better know what the hell I'm talking about instead of throwing out random words that have no weight to them. I better know and back up my lips service, or it seems I'm blowing hot air. This is something many people need to learn."

Dabi: "Cold."

"At least it's finally over. Hey, how are you holding up?" Ask native, looking back at Midoriya. "I'm doing alright; just a little sore. Thank you for carrying me," said Izuku. "Hey, no problem. Like I say, it's the least I can do to help you, kids. You did all that work in that alley, beating someone many pros couldn't." They all looked at Stain, who was knocked out.

Shoji: "I'm still surprised they actually won? But why did you all have to hide it? Wouldn't that be something that should be told to the public about how he was beaten?"

Slayer: "It was because of the no license law in place." They all look at Slayer once again. "Why yes, the rules and laws are important. The reason behind this rule is dumb and foolish."

Death-arms: "You do know it there so-"

Slayer: "So people don't abuse their quirk. Oh wow, the power of me using something that is in my daily life now and a major part of society is something I can't use without a permit because the law says I can't. Oh, look at that my life is at risk; I should fight back? Oh wait, I can't because I'm not a hero and don't have a license. Oh damn, I guess I should tell the villain to cut it out and leave me alone. Yeah, that's going to work?! Oh, look, a defenseless child taken hostage, and the hero can't do anything. Their quirk isn't 'suitable' for this situation?! But mine is, OH BUT WAIT, I don't have a license?! Whelp, that child's life is at risk and stuff and possibly could be dead or more injured lives because I don't have a stupid sheet of paper that was printed that allows me to act like something I'm trained or I need to be one."

Slayer: "Tell me how many people have died because of that; how many issues were caused by that? What threats were born from this very notion because of these stupid rules? I wonder if I should take all your licenses and then attack people in front of you all, and then once it's over, have you all explain to the foolish dog himself why you did it but are in thewrong because you don't have your license."

Slayer: "I wonder how you all willfeelif you have a person you all care for indangerand put them in front of a group of students who don't have their license but can save the child and kill them. My friend, who possibly might be a hero or not, is in trouble, and I can't help but guess what I have to do to let them die because of the simple factI DON'T HAVE A PAPER!?! I wonder how you all will feel? I wonder if I see you struggling or, worse, dying, and I can help but turn you all down because of look at that; I don't have a f*cking license. I wonder how you will feel; the emotion you all will feel, the regret, the sorrow, the cursing me the heavens above because of a simple stupid thing."

Many of the heroes got discouraged because they could see where Slayer was coming from. It was a simple fact: Do you follow the rules or break them, people? The answer was simple: How much will the law and society let you pass? Everyone would have something to say, saying they did the right thing but broke the rules and should get punished or just chirping because they could.

Slayer: "Yes, they are important, and some must be in place to have some order, or there will be chaos everywhere, but some of them can be bent and should not be enforced like that because the law permits. Listen closely to your heroes in training; this is very important. What Izuku and Todoroki did was the smart thing to do; taking on Stain, helping Ida, and saving Natives instead of leaving them to die. Those who break the rule are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum."

Many of the students' eyes widened to this line, and some took that line to heart and will ensure that they never forget it.

Slayer: "Never be one of those people who follow the rules to a T. Because as they are to keep things in order, many of these rules in your world were the cause for the current weak and hypocritical society you all live in now."

"We should get back now. I'm sure we can't risk Stain waking up, and we must deal with him again," said Torodoki. Just then, Gran Torino and Endeavor show up with them, seeing the hero killer Stain defeated.

Monoma: "So let me get this right: Three members of Class A took on the hero killer with no pro-hero help. They not only solved what his quirk was but beat him. And they were able to capture him!!" Slayer nodded his head. "....WHAT THE HELL!?!?"

Awase: "Man, they really got one up on us. I don't think I could take on someone like that guy and hold up well."

Momo: "Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, were you three not scared?"

Izuku: "To be honest, I was a little nervous, given that I didn't know how things would turn out when I dropped my pin on everyone. I mainly focused on getting Iida out of there and waiting for backup. Beating Stain wasn't on my list, honestly. It just happens given someone of his skill."

Shoto: "I was more worried about the other two and trying to survive, even though we won. We did have some lucky breaks."

Iida: "Stain was too busy focusing on me and Native to honestly fight for real. If he had taken a moment to adjust to the situation a little better, I do think he could have won."

Slayer: "Honestly, I don't think Stain would have won even if he had focused on taking on multiple people."

Iida: "Really?"

Slayer: "Why yes, Stain is skilled; it's the same thing with your caterpillar of a teacher. Their quirks aren't made for a big group. Yes, he can take them out, but they have more experience and better fighters when their quirk, even rare gems like you all, can give people like them fit. But we saw a long, drawn-out fight in both cases, which is one of their biggest weaknesses. If they make quick work of their foes, they're slowly leaning more on a losing fight. In a one-on-one match-up, I give Stain the edge over many, and I mean many heroes, and I think outside Midoriya currently, I feel like he can take on any in-class 1-A and win. Even with some ass-pull from a certain creator mister explosive little barking dog. Stain will win."

Slayer: "Stain was just unlucky because he had one kid who had the least amount time of his quirk plus the strongest quirk in you all verse; another child who has a dual quirk and has an element that is powerful in itself strong, along with another kid quirk who can cover a massive distance in a short time. A trio that would give many fits; they cover all each weakness and bases. Stain was just at a crappy match-up."

Izuku: "I honestly question, are you sure you are not a teacher or something? Because the way you break down a fight and people skills is, I won't lie, is very...coachable."

Tsu: "I'm starting to think so too."

Slayer: "No, I'm not a teacher or anything. I have a wife who is, but I only train my kids."

Shoji: "And those kids are going to be the most nightmare-fighting people ever; I don't think anyone can handle it."

Just as things seem to calm, one of the hurt-flying Noumu comes sweeping down and grabbing Midoriya.

Uraraka: "OH f*ck?!?!"

"Midoriya!!!" Many of the heroes were thinking of trying something but couldn't give their quirk. Endeavor was about to fire a flame arrow, but Giran Torino stopped him, letting him know he couldn't since he didn't want him to hit the kid. Both Iida and Shoto watch in horror as they watch their friend get taken away. We see a close-up of a slump Stain who isn't moving.

Ojiro: "Midoriya, how did things turn out?"

Izuku: "Yeah, the only difference is the Noumu couldn't get far as Stain licked some of the Noumu blood that fell on the female hero there. He could kill the Noumu before it could take me away."

Kendo: "Wait, Stain, save you?!!?" Izuku nodded his head.

Kamakiri: "But why?!?"

Stain: "Because I saw the boy as a true hero and the so-called villain Tomura Shigaraki as no longer a man-child with no true goal or drive. I wasn't going to allow someone like that to fall into the hands of someone as pathetic as that."

Slayer: 'Oh Stain, if only you knew what current Shigaraki can do and how different he is. That man truly has entered goat villain status.'

Shigaraki: "Tch, you sure talk a big game, but let's not forget who took a major L to his little adventure and was thrown in prison. But I have many different goals. As much sh*t you did and said that urk me...." Shigaraki looked down at his hand. "I must thank you and Midoriya for opening my eyes to something. And I plan to achieve my dream and destroy everything." Shigaraki's tone near the end was much different. It was calmer....not raspy like he usually has. For some reason, that scares many of the heroes.

Slayer: "As you can see, no one can save little Green from his current fate. Unlike the true timeline we all know of and your timeline. What you are all about to witness is the butterfly effect. An effect is just from one simple 1% more or just because Stain was knocked out and couldn't recover this time. And when I say the effect, it will make you all show how lucky you are, just like the villain verse. In this verse, I plan to show you a verse where real terror lies."

Bakugou: "You're just saying that to scare us; we already saw how scary Dek-Midoriya can be with the villain and other verses. What is showing something like that again going to prove? Huh?" Slayer stays silent before he starts to chuckle. It was a low chuckle, nothing too high pitch or insane; no, it was distant, like he was sending a message. He dipped his head a little to allow a shadow to cast over his eyes with a sinister smirk on his lips.

Slayer: "Oh, you see, I've been playing very nice and friendly with you all. I have been playing with my calm hand. I have done nothing more than give you all valuable lessons and teach you things. And that is what I came to be known for. But before any of that crap....before the Slayer, you all know, I have one thing about me...I knew only how to do one thing: hurt someone and take away people's happiness." Many of the heroes got a sense of dread from the smirk on Slayer's face; it holds much more meaning than any of the other times he smiles. For most pros, mainly Nana and All-Might, this smile reminds them of one man...AFO, but far...far more terrifying.

Slayer: "And that is what I plan to do here. I plan to strip away all sense of joy, happiness, hope, and feel good you all dream or can even muster. I plan to clarify that just because I do it doesn't mean I can't do other things. Allow me to introduce myself." Slayer did a little chuckle. My name is Reaper Slayer, and I want to say hello."

The mood in the theater instantly dropped, and many of the heroes' sides and the villain's stomachs dropped; they didn't like what was about to happen. But many question how much it can get worse? They already saw a scary Midoriya; what could he do to top it?

As the Noumu flies away with Midoriya in its claw, Midoriya himself tries to fight back, but he can't do much with his back and arm broken a bit. Soon, one of Kurogiri's wrap gates opens, taking Midoriya inside. Many people watch in horror as they lose not only a student but also a classmate. With Shoto and Iida, "MIDORIYA!!!!"

AFO: "Oh, this is going to be good."

All-Might: "Do not believe it will be that easy, AFO. Young Midoriya won't fall for any of your pathetic mind games."

AFO: "Continue to be confident, All-Might; I can already tell from Slayer's earlier speech that this world is where we get another clear-cut victory, just like the villain verse. It's been a while since we had something good go our way. And now we have your side golden piece, which will be glorious."

All-Might growls. Slayer words ring out in his head, but there is no way this doesn't turn out in their favor, even in the villain verse. The students took a beating, but they survived, and his son, HE MEANS young Midoriya, spares the sister even after giving her a significant beating. What can be planned in this verse?

Jiro: "Does anyone else have a sense of dread from what just happened with Midoriya gone."

Sato: "Yeah, no kidding. This is going to cause some major bad ripple with us. It's Midoriya with him gone in the middle of these studies. It's going to really hit us hard."

The dekusquad: 'Escipally!!'They all look at Two people, mainly Uraraka and Inko.

Inko was holding it together, but she was terrified; it wasn't normal for Slayer to talk to him. She was no fool. She knew this wouldn't be like the villain versus the first few. This was going much different...and she feared worse. One of her worst nightmares has come true....her son was taken. Hopefully, something good will come out of this.

And Uraraka has been silent this entire time. She hasn't said anything, and she's been wondering what will happen. She knew how much Deku meant to the class, and this moment...this came at a moment when things were starting to slightly get better for Deku and also when she started to realize how much he meant to her...this... this wasn't going to be good no matter how you cut it.

The portal closes, with the Noumu falling to the ground and Midoriya rolling, wincing a little from the pain and the roll. "Well, well, what do we have here?" Izuku's eyes shot open as he saw both Shigaraki and Kurogiri. Young master, the Noumu, has caught the green-haired boy who beat Stain." Hmmm? I wonder why it did that. I guess I can just kill him then. He can't be a thorn in our plan for the future."

Many of the cast in the theater got worried and held their breath.

"Do not touch him, Tomura."

Many of them let out a sigh of relief.

They turn to see a TV screen. "But master, why not?" "He piques my interest; I have a better use for him. Kurogiri, bring the boy to my lab." "Understood, master." "Well, brat, consider yourself lucky. Master, he has some use. It's probably going to turn you into some mindless Noumu."

"I won't yield." "Ugh, yeah, yeah, whatever. Night, night." The last thing Midoriya saw was Shigaraki's hand come towards him before darkness.

Pixie-Bob: "Okay, there is no way the kid is going to get turned into one of those things, right?"

Ryukyu: "Given who our overseer is...I wouldn't put past him."

Best Jeanist: " don't think..."

Kamui Woods: "What? You don't think he will turn him into one of those creatures?"

Best Jeanist: "Not just that, but more accurately, you don't think he's going to make him fight his classmate, and they will have to....kill him." They all heard a hand slam.

Uraraka: "I'll NEVER KILL DEKU-KUN!!!"

Tsu: "*ribbit* She's right. Midoriya-chan is our friend, and he means a lot to us. We will find a way to stop him and get back our Midoriya!"

Iida: "Midoriya is like a brother to us! If you believe we will give up on him that easily, you have another thing coming."

Shoto: "We will save Midoriya; just like he saved all of us before."

Izuku: "You...all..." The dekusquad smiled at Midoriya and was about to say something when,

Slayer: "That's cute. You all really believe there is a glimmer of hope. You believe if you believe hard enough and actually try, things will turn out right. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. That if we don't give up, there is a way. That's cute." Slayer smirks.

Izuku: "A hero's job is to make all those lip services mean something. No matter how crazy or ridiculous they sound. I believe my friends will find a way to stop and save me. Even if it means they have to take my life."

Uraraka/Tsu/Shoto/Iida: "Deku-kun!/Midoriya!!"

Izuku: "It's okay, guys. I know you wouldn't resort to that unless it's a last resort, or I ask you all to have it, too. But I trust you all are my best friends." He smiles at them, putting them at ease. Many of the adults smile at this.

Slayer: "Keep that same confidence throughout all of this. I wonder how much that lip service will be useful in the real world, where life and death can happen with just a flip of the coin. All that rah, rah will mean nothing. Words can do a lot; they can bring hope, despair, joy, and different emotions. All words really do is mask people's true feelings. Words are nothing more than cover people use to hide things from others. We use words daily to hurt, motivate, or even warn people. But what they led to is what really allows those words to hold weight; Merit."

Slayer: "Merit is what words need to hold true meaning. You can run your mouth all you want. But suppose you can't back those words with something that seems tangible. In that case, all they are is what many feel is hot air that comes from useless people trying to cover up their fear, BS they can say to make them look better, or a mask they want people to rip off."

A few of the students and heroes wanted to speak, but many quickly became silent and gave it some thought. It wasn't long before they realized what Slayer was saying was true.

For many heroes, the words they said about saving, helping, protecting, and more were just that—words. They can make all these statements, but if they don't back them up with action, those words have no weight.

All-Might knows this better than anyone; before he was All-Might, as everyone knows, he was like many rookie pros trying to make a name for himself. Before he became a symbol, he couldn't just say it. No, he had to prove it. He proves why he was a symbol through his actions, good and bad. He shapes how many heroes and many people live today. His action was what brought his word to have merit. Through his merit, he made people believe he was this unbeatable force. His merit gained him the title of Symbol of peace and strike fear in villains all around Japan. There was no mistaking Slayer's words.

Heck, AFO was one person who was interested in picking Slayer's brain and learning more about his power. Can detest Slayer's words; he became a legend because of his work and actions. His words only work on All-Might, and many heroes 'try' to beat him, capture him, or kill him, and fail because his merit is what makes his words have weight. He wouldn't have gotten All-Might skin if he hadn't killed his worthless master, Nana. He wouldn't have been known as the symbol of evil if it wasn't for his merit, and he would have become an underworld king if not for what he did to become such a threat.

Izuku, himself, no matter how hard he wrapped his head around it...Slayer was right. He has made many statements in the past, but they only amount to a little after he had proven them. Even though he got Todoroki to use his flame, his actions pushed Todoroki to finally use his flame. But it didn't matter even after because he didn't do it against Bakugou in the final. Hence, his word had an effect, but only a lingering effect afterward because his action made his word work.

The best case for Izuku is that merit means something to the two kids, Eri and Kota. He was able to make Kota trust and believe in heroes again after he held to his promise by beating the villain who killed his parents. He saved Eri with her quirk and showed it wasn't a curse or a bad thing because she helped him defeat Eri.

Mt. Lady: "God having you in charge of us has been a blessing and a curse at the same time! Can you please make it easy to read for ONCE?"

Slayer: "When I stop running out of ideas, sure, but it just makes it more of a challenge for me to come up with new ways to be unique or different."

Izuku would slowly wake up and find himself in a container filled with liquid. He looked around to see if he could find a way out of this? As he scans his surroundings, he begins to hear footsteps. "Well, I see the 9th user as finally awake, and I must say you didn't impress me at first." Out walk a man walking a man in a black mask and in a suit. Izuku glares at him, trying to figure out who he is and how he knows about OFA.

"Oh, you look confused. Did that foolish so-called Symbol of peace never tell you about me? I'm hurt. Have you ever heard of the big bad boogie man who could take and give quirk?" Izuku's eyes widened. "Ah, so you heard that myth." AFO started to laugh. "Well, it is not that important; what's important is what I plan to do with you." Izuku raises an eyebrow in confusion? "You see, I look into your background; I wonder why All-Might chose someone like you as the next wielder of that quirk. There is nothing special about you....or so I originally believed."

Izuku stayed silent and didn't or couldn't say anything really. "Going back watching you, I will say you have a drive that equals or really surpasses that man. I originally planned to turn into a Noumu." Izuku's eyes open slightly in horror. "But no, now....wanting to see you up close and seeing that fire in your eyes....I believe you will make a perfect host for 'him.'" AFO starts to laugh. "It's been a while since he was last free; I wonder what that so-called Symbol of peace will look like when he sees his golden child fall from grace." AFO turns to leave. "Rest up, Izuku Midoriya, because you will be the end bringer to the hero side along with Tomura."

Shinso: "Well, that doesn't bold well."

Tsu: "Well, that answers one of the questions...*ribbit* Midoriya-chan isn't getting turned into a Noumu."

Mirio: "But what did he mean by 'him?' That's the next can't be good."

Gran Torino: "I would say the next host for AFO himself, but it's clear it is someone much different."

AFO: "I'm actually curious myself? What are you planning, reaper."

Slayer: "The fall of heroes." *sips tea*.

Aizawa: "Are we sure this isn't another Slayer fake-out or a trick to trick us into thinking of something when it's a very simple answer?"

Death: "I can assure you; my student, this time, isn't playing any games. What he said is what he means. It's been a while since I've seen him like this. I wonder where he went?" Death-sensei smirked.

Aizawa: "You're saying something like this. Was it always there?"

Death: "That's because it was; my student isn't as kind as he makes himself out to be. While he has shown his human emotion, there is a reason why he is a demi-reaper, and his creator is part of a powerful force. That cold side of him was always inside him; he just had to act nice and kind. People always think heroes who finally snap are the scariest people. But honestly, they might be up on the top list. But nothing is scarier; it is the ones who know how to play both sides and know how to use both sides to their advantage. After all, it shows how much of a true human you really are; humans, at the end of the day, love nothing more but destruction, pain, greed, and suffering! After all, humans were made to repent for their sins! Might as well use those sins to your advantage." Death laughs, sending chills down many people's spine.

For the next few days, Izuku was put through excruciating pain; every day, he would have a doctor he swore he'd seen before come in and plug some IVs into some needles and allow them to flow from the bags to the tube Izuku was in and forcing his body to heat up. Izuku would try to resist the urge to scream in pain, but there were times when he felt his body was not only on fire but also felt like he was being stabbed all over.

It didn't help that at some point, he began to hear a voice in his head, and it wasn't a good voice either; it was questioning who Izuku was. What is his purpose? What drove him? Izuku swore he could see the figure smile at him? Izuku knew he couldn't give up...he had to hold out. Whatever AFO and they plan to do with him...he wouldn't allow it. He knows his friend, his teacher, and the heroes are out there looking for him. He just has to hold out.

Inko: "My baby....*sniff*..."

All-Might: "Young Midoriya, just hold on. I know someone, if not myself, will find you. I know we will."

Shoto: "We won't give up not on you. We will get you back, we promise."

Hearing his classmates, the teachers, and many heroes talking about his other self on the screen and promising to get them back made him want to cry. Tears would form in his eyes. He knew he wouldn't, nor would his other self, give up so easily. Izuku knows there is a light at the end of the tunnel. All he had to do was hope and never give up.

He has made it this far in his life. Many times, he should have given up, but Izuku knows now deep down that he was given a chance of a lifetime. Things are different now. He has grown, he has friends, he has people who actually care for him, and he isn't alone anymore. Just like his drive to be a hero, he can't give up on getting saved if he can save everyone else. He can also be safe.

They will SAVE HIM!


Slayer words ring out in his head, and the look on his face—his cold, dead, soulless, piercing red eyes—lingers over Izuku's mind. No matter how hard they try or how much lip service they say or promise they make, they are dealing with a man who does not believe in words.

He is a man who brings up facts and judges them with fairness, even Izuku himself, showing no punches with his word. A man who plays neither hero nor villain...he does not believe that everything will turn out the way they want...the same man who has shown him worlds where he was quirkless and still did something Izuku himself couldn't believe; version of himself where he was a villain, version of himself that can give up his dream and do something else, they want to think things will turn out alright in this verse...but Izuku knew Slayer....that was far from the truth.

Izuku wants to deny Slayer and say he's wrong and they will win. Things will turn out right for him. Is there something good out of this!?! Something good, right? But deep in Izuku's heart and soul, just how he started out when he found he was quirkless and the sense of dread and dark cloud in the back of his mind was there that he tried to ignore, and that it was wrong. He might be a hero now, and a version of him could still do it even with the deficiency of being quirkless...Izuku wasn't them and didn't attempt to prove people wrong at first. After he was given this quirk, he proved to himself that self-doubt doesn't just leave overnight.

Izuku couldn't lie to himself...he couldn't...

Izuku's shoulder slouched a bit as he felt the feeling of dread slowly creeping into the theater, which many weren't feeling just yet. Izuku; heh, he was feeling it. He knew...this....this verse wouldn't end pretty for any of them.

Izuku: *put on a fake smile* "T-Thank you...a-all I'm sure things will turn out right for us...I'm sure." Izuku felt disgusted by himself putting on one of his fake smiles, something he hadn't done in a very long time. He hated it when he did this...he did it a lot with his mom. And now he has to do it again. People who were okay with Izuku's status, quirkless or not. They didn't care, and here he was doing the very thing he hated....putting up a fake mask with his empty Slayer says...

Izuku slightly widened in realization before he became half open, and a bit of the color in them faded; he let the others continue talking about what they believe will happen and how some of the different outcomes. Izuku wasn't listening; he was in his own head. Strangely, he hears many voices telling him not to give up or yield; Izuku isn't listening. The outcome was set in stone....this was different from Eri, where he could change the future with his will of everyone. They were dealing with a person who cares nothing about righteousness and the power to change fate; if you want to change it with your own hand.

Uraraka: "What do you think; Deku-kun?"

Izuku: "Hmm? Oh, um, well... it's hard to say Slayer is a hard person to read, so we gotta keep an open mind."

Uraraka: "Yeah, you're right....hey, you okay?"

Izuku: "Hmm? Oh yeah; sorry, I'm just thinking about....things. Sorry. Don't worry about me; let's get back to watching the verse. I want to see how you all fa-save me."

Uraraka: " okay.Something is not correct? Why are you lying, Deku-kun?"

Slayer's side eye looked over at Izuku and knew without reading his mind how he was feeling and what he was thinking. He's been working on this for a while. Having Midoriya and many of them learn their true potential but also show the other end of the sputum, if you believe you hit rock bottom, don't worry; there are more rock bottoms to hit.

And some do not deal with that magical power of friendship, or everything will go right for heroes or good people. Some aren't so lucky, and those who will show just outright all that talk mean nothing in the natural face of power, skill, and those who rule. After all, those who can control the flow of information and what shows can shape how people view the world.

People react to what they see and hear; if you only see and hear certain things, you will believe them 80% of the time.

After all, he's an overseer; he can't be a one-trick pony. He knows what he can and can't do. And he is going to show them just how far he will go to prove a point and make people understand his point. Turning back forward to the screen.

Slayer: "And that's the start." Death-sensei looked at him. "In order to break some of the strongest people and a person who leads others and inspires them. You target them mentally first; you plant seeds in their head at different points. Never all at once. First, make them believe in that undying victory they have been having and let them slowly affect themselves. Like a poison, you don't have to get physical with them; just as words can be hollow, they can also be the thing that hurts more than any punch, then rock or cannon. Words are what drink that can twist elixir from the thing to inspire hope to a person's darkest part of their head."

Slayer: "After all, nothing is more dangerous than the human heart and brain." Death-sensei smiled sinisterly at his student.

As the experiment continues, Izuku begins to wonder: How long has he been in this tube? Days? Weeks? Months? What is taking the others so long? Surely they haven't given up, right? They wouldn't forget about a worthless and useless Dek-NO! He can't think like that. He has to believe in everyone, but what if they did give up? After all, he's been behind everyone.

Uraraka: "Don't give me DEKU!"

Kirishima: "Come on, MidoriBro, it's not over yet! Ugh, why haven't we found him yet! This sucks!!"

Momo: "It's because we never learn about their hideout until after the camp, so with no lead, we're only running around with our heads cut up. And because they have been hiding this well up to this point and covering their tracks, and we didn't even know about AFO up to this point, we can only do so frustrating as it is." Momo bit her lip; it was something that one of her classmates had taken, but all that was taken was Midoriya, a person who changed her view on him in a year. Yes, she wasn't there and couldn't do anything, but the mere fact they haven't found him, or they haven't heard anything about the villain, worried about them getting caught nearby. It was frustrating!

But as class vice president, she can't give up hope; they will rescue Midoriya. He meant a lot to the class; he was the one who helped lead the charge in saving Bakugou, even though she didn't know their history like that. Why wouldn't they do it for Midoriya if they can do something like that?

Or was it that they couldn't....they were still students; it was still early in their careers. They just finished their first internship. Along with something that was they let their classmate get captured, coupled with the fact Momo herself wasn't too confident in herself still with her placement in the sports festival. On top of that, wasn't she even that close to Midoriya in this verse? How much did she care for him here? What other things were different besides the fact Stain didn't help Midoriya? How much self-deprecation she was doing herself; what about the others? Iida was there and witnessed it?

Would he feel guilty more than anyone? How was going to cheer him up or motivate him? How was going to keep him going? Would he have them break the rules to save their classmate? The answer is so simple, but given the current time this takes place...and what has happened? Would he?

Todoroki...he....he wants to but will only lash out and rely on his father in hopes of finding his friend. He wasn't the leading type either; he wouldn't push it.

And Bakugou...heh; Momo didn't even need to put much thought into that one. Their relationship at this point during the internship was still very BAD! It's a VERY sour note. If anything, he would just bash Midoriya for getting caught. He wouldn't even want to save Midoriya, and would...would he rally the class? He wasn't most behind unless you were more head forward. She shouldn't give herself too much room to speak, given that she joined Todoroki's team and listened to him during the cavalry battle. No, she can't think about that now.

What can they do to save Midoriya? They just give up and believe nothing good will happen. There are heroes in training! Their job is to let others know everything will be okay; they're to help and protect civilians, but what about each other?

Oh, that's right? Uraraka mentions this once: Who will save other heroes or who will lean on when there is no one else? Heroes are always there for those who can't protect themselves. But who's there for the protector? No one but themselves, and when that is not enough.

Momo grits her teeth as she balls her fist. There has to be something. They are heroes! They always find a way to find the answer and come out on top, right?

Slayer: "And that's the next piece to fall."

Death: "Oh? Care to explain?"

Slayer: "As we know, you can't just break one pillar? After all, a stable building isn't just held up by one single pillar. No, it takes effort from other beams that are there with it. But when you break one, how do you break the others? They might go down the same way, but not all the time. Sometimes, you have to do other methods, maybe not put in as much force, or you learn a much quicker way. For a person, it is when you have been sheltered for most of your life and have not had many challenges up to a certain point. How do you go about breaking them down?"

Slayer: "Very simple; you let them point out their flaws and weaknesses leading up to that moment. Allow them to see the failure of others and have them doubt their own ability and others around them. And question them and others; if that person fails or doubts themselves, what about them? Humans need other humans to reassure them they're making smart and good decisions. If no one is there to pick you up or you're unable to pick yourself up, you will easily crumble as soon as your own head and the pressure you put on yourself cannot think of a clear path."

Slayer: "You introduce too many unknown factors into the picture, and because of that, you lose the site and the path that you are looking for."

Death: "You're crushing the hope and feeling for young heroes; you're starting to sound like a villain."

Slayer: "What can I say; I was never good at playing the damn hero."

Izuku soon found himself standing in a shallow pool; the water wasn't too deep and was only at the bottom of his feet, but the air around felt thick...and disgusting, like an iron smell...dead bodies? Izuku would begin to walk forward....he wondered- "So you're the host of this body; I wonder what AFO was thinking when he chose you." Izuku looked up, and his eyes looked in horror; what he saw was a man much taller than him, looking a slightly older version of Midoriya himself; his hair slightly pushed upfront and with tattoos/lines on his forehead, nose, cheeks, upper body, and abdomen. His legs were crossed, and his face rested on one of his fists.

Awase: "Who the heck is this!?!?"

Nezu: "I don't know...but this thing..." Everyone looked at Nezu and saw most of his hair standing up, like his animal instincts were rearing their heads more than how he normally acted.

This made many—AND I MEAN MANY—of the heroes actually get worried, someone like Nezu who rarely looks shaken or even threatened by other heroes or pros. The mere fact that WHOEVER this is on the screen got Nezu like this was not sending a good signal for the heroes!!

Cementoss: "That's not a good sign."

Snipe: "That's a red flag."

Aizawa: "Crimson."

"W-Who are you?" Izuku wasn't getting a good feeling from...whoever this was!!? "Hm? Have people forgotten who I am? Hmph, how many years have it been? Hmph, people still know about AFO but don't know about me. Pitiful. Listen closely, boy, because I'll be taking your body for my own. I'll tell you my name. It's Sukuna. Sukuna, the King of quirks." The King of... quirks."

Gran Torino: "Quite the title to give oneself. He believes he's the King of quirks? Does he pre-deem the golden shining child?"

All-Might: "Possibly, but don't forget how Nezu was feeling earlier, even though he's on the other side of the screen. The presence of this...being I can feel like. It's like whatever ember is left in OFA is feeling no, it's telling me this person must be eliminated!!"

Nana: "Same...I'm getting that feeling, too."

Izuku: "I feel...something similar...and it's not a good feeling...."

AFO: "Even I have to admit; this person...he's giving me mixed signals."

Okay, now that was a huge red flag for many people! Not just the fact that all three OFA users were saying this guy, whoever was in Izuku's body, was making even someone as powerful as an AFO get a vibe that this man is trouble!?! It wasn't doing any good for many of the heroes, mainly the heroes in training.

Shigaraki: "Master, this guy is scaring you?"

AFO: "I wouldn't say scared more; he makes me feel more on my guard. If I'm not careful, I could actually lose." Now, this definitely made the villain raise an eyebrow and question who this Sukuna guy is.

"Sukuna? I-I never heard that name before?" "Hmph, I shouldn't be surprised. It has been a long time since I was running the world. But for me, they were called Meta Ability. Many don't know the dark age of quirk. After all, the man you call AFO and I preexist in founding quirk/meta ability."

Many people in the theater split out their drink or spit takes in general!! This is something that can't be true, right?! How truthful was that statement?

Momo: "S-Slayer is... is that true? D-D-Did AFO truly exist before the dawn of quirk was found?"

Slayer...nodded his head.

All-Might: " you're telling us the first true user of quirk ever"

Slayer: "Yes, it took a while, but eventually, we/a few other overseers with me, could learn the truth of AFO once and for all. And I don't mind it all that much. For what he represents, it makes sense."

Izuku: "What do you mean?"

Slayer: "What I mean is the stupid f*cking theory of the big bad of evil himself AFO is your father."

All-Might: "You mentioned this before!?! Did people really believe something like that!?!"

Slayer: "Like I mentioned before, I don't mind the theory in the multiverse because it is an exciting play on many of the things for the verse, and depending on the route they go, it can be good or bad. The problem was that people weren't backing up their claim for the main verse with reason. Many cling to, let's say, three reasons why some people in my creator world wanted to cling or believe this crazy bullsh*t ass theory."

AFO: "Oh? Care to explain why you found it hard to believe someone like me wouldn't want to have kids?"

Slayer: "Well, given I already know the real reason, the first reason was the god-creator of your home verse was a huge fan of another big series in my creator world, and with certain things being inspired by those people cling to this theory because the second reason we don't know who is Izuku Midoriya father is."

Izuku: "But my mom told us he was working overseas?"

Slayer: "That can easily be used as a cover-up, a man who we know has to still be around helping pay for stuff around the house, child support, but in the 10 to 11 years you have been after finding out you were quirkless; not one called? Called? Coming to visit? Anything? It raise a lot of eyebrows? Especially with the fact that you got into UA, the 'best,' putting in the quotation, and the hero school in Japan. The mere fact he didn't even call or voicemail saying how proud he is of you or anything?! Yeah, making people wonder if something bigger is happening with this."

Slayer: "But the main reason was because of this one guy. He might not have been the first to throw it out there, but given how he voiced it, it gained much attention, and more people added to this theory. To the point that people will die on the sword and reach for straws!!! And I mean, reach for this theory to be true. I have gotten into some altercations with overseers and non-overseers over this ridiculous theory."

AFO: "So tell us, Mister Reaper, why didn't you agree or like the theory?"

Slayer: "I'll admit, for a bit, I could see it, but that was before I deep my own drive. I knew that theory died much sooner and was crushed before anyone realized it. People don't like to give your father/god-creator more credit than he deserves when setting things up. He plants seeds much earlier than people think, has a good memory for moments to come back, and means something as small as they are.Better than Gege in that, for damn sure!*cough*."

Slayer: "The mere fact from Izuku first ran in with Shigaraki, and when he told him about Midoriya, he didn't seem surprised or that all worried or even interested at first. Or even worried? No, he acted like his normal self. We can chalk that up, too. We never saw him, or he was acting, sure. But the following moment at the sports festival when we knew you were watching and even though you seemed interested it wasn't my boy, or what do we have here. You had a feeling Izuku was the 9th user. But it wasn't much to stand on."

Slayer: "But what really drove this home for me was two moments mainly; the first one you all know about was when AFO and All-Might had their 'final' fight when AFO told him who Shigaraki's real name and who he is related to and after All-Might continue to fight he could say something that would crush not just All-Might but the world; as well making All-Might question a lot thing for the future that person he see as a son and the next great hero to take his place hitting him with the fact Izuku was his son would do such a huge blow to All-Might mental afterward he will never get the fear of Izuku being close to his worst enemy would hit harder than some random kid he barely forms any bond with related to a person he looks up too."

Slayer: "The second moment, well, it was a future moment that, let's just say Izuku and AFO have a talk with each other at some point, and when AFO doesn't mention anything about being close or related to him or his blood flowing through him, it destroyed that theory for me."

Slayer: "Now, why didn't I like the theory? For one, did it have two different routes? The first route was one many tried to go for, trying to justify AFO's reason for hiding his family away and saying that he actually cared for Izuku and Inko. Now I want to make this clear; this route I didn't mind well either one I didn't mind. But the issue was we never saw AFO that type of person. He was someone who had no soul; he cared for no one but himself. He was the darker side of humanity trait. Greed, selfish, unwilling to care, wanting all the attention. It had its good point with making a villain who understood why he hid them away or didn't want anyone to know."

Slayer: "It's how heroes hide their hero identity from loved ones in other universes out there; they know they're going to have a lot of enemies. People who will sniff out any weakness and want to make the hero feel pain. AFO knew how to make it hurt All-Might with his words. And how he targets certain things for heroes; why wouldn't other villains who want the throne for themselves, heroes whose hearts aren't as pure as they believe, or many you wish they found out the King of evil had a family. One way to break and hurt a man is through the one he loves. Mainly his family."

Slayer: "Many would also try to make AFO the one who took Izuku's original quirk, aka a supercharged version of his quirk. As cool as it sounds, it was painting AFO as something he's not. A caring man is nice in the multiverse, but if we work off most cannon stuff, it doesn't work."

Slayer: "And the second route is showing AFO is still an evil c*nt and wants to also make his goal to mess with Izuku. Why? Honestly, this is the reason I can't pinpoint a correct answer; besides, it just fits something the c*nt will do. Why he would do it to his own flesh and blood. To either make him stronger so he has a reason to hate him. Giving him a reason to later possibly take Izuku's body for his own. And take OFA, after all. He needs someone with enough hate to surpass OFA's no-steal/copy limit. This is something I can't fully answer myself, I will admit. It is the one side I haven't fully explored in the multiverse."

Slayer: "So that's why I never got behind the whole AFO, dad-for-one story. It's interesting since I can name two men who have done it well off the top of my head. But's that just me? Let's move on because what's going to happen will give you all an actual wake-up call.

"The dawn of quirk...." "Unlike that fool, I didn't go out my way to gain all the quirks known to man like some child in a candy store. No, I mainly focus on the aspect of my quirks, making me the strongest. Heh, I don't even think that monster could defeat me, even at his peak. We take two different routes of quirks."

"How different?" "Hmph, the man isn't as smart as he makes himself out to be. I'll say that, but he is someone I can respect because he cares for no one but himself. He wants everything for himself. While I care for nothing but the strongest to stand. The weak has no place in this world." Izuku eyes widen and active OFA. "Oh?" "That's not true! Everyone starts out weak and can grow! Not everyone was born with great abilities and was the best at everything, from jumping to running. Humans can grow! We're not perfect; everyone is good at something; if only the strong survive, many structures will fall apart, suffering, endless fighting, and much more will run a murk! That is something that can't happen!"

Sukuna smiled. "And what are you going to do about it, boy?" "I'm going to stop you and prove to you. The weak can overcome their shortcomings." Sukuna stood from his skeleton throne. Alright, entertain me. I hope you give me a nice warm-up." Izuku got in a battle stance, with the lightning from OFA dancing around him.

Aoyama: "Me feh, Midoriya can do this."

Shoji: "It's not over yet; there is still a chance."

Ojiro: "Win...."

Denki: "Win...."

All the heroes: 'Win! You can do it! Do your best...MIDORIYA!!'

Everyone in the theater would go silent for the next few minutes as they watched Midoriya battle with this man who looked closely similar to him. They watch Midoriya fight tooth and nail, dodging everything thrown at him. Slashes appear midair to the man growing two extra arms and pushing Izuku against a wall. As they fight, the smile on Sukuna's face never leaves, and he is immensely enjoying himself.

Izuku never once smiled during the fight, but he never yielded; no matter how badly it looked like he was getting pushed around and beaten down, he never gave up. He was always getting back up; even when his outfit was destroyed, his body would get cut up, and he would tank it. Izuku never falters. He pushes forward, always telling him he has to do his best! He is Izuku Midoriya! He will be the great symbol, the bearer of OFA, the 9th holder of OFA; he is IZUKU MIDORIYA, THE HERO DEKU, WHO DOES HIS BEST!!!

All the heroes and students in the theater would cheer, acting like their voices could get through to him. Someone can get through to tell him, don't stop! Fight! Fight on! Never stop! Win! He is many of their heroes! They all push themselves because of him! Many have grown because of him! He might not be their class rep, but he is undoubtedly their leader! Prayers, cheers, and yelling of his hero's name were thrown out in the theater. They could often see Izuku getting a good hit end, making Sukuna dodge or second guess going in, even making the smirk on his face disappear here and there.

It gave them hope.....

All except three...

Slowly, as the fight drags on and the screen slowly fades, many wonder what the outcome was...and then...

This entire time, Slayer closed his eyes, watching the fight, knowing how it would end. Finally, he opened them and looked beside him, making eye contact with the only other person he knew who never once cheered, the one who knew as well as anyone else besides him and his master. This person knew how this was going to play out.

Isn't that right...Izuku Midoriya...Deku.

Izuku's biggest mistake was making contact with Slayer, as he saw the smirk on Slayer's face. Slayer would turn slowly back around like no one saw him, but it was all Izuku needed to know.

This wasn't some great overcome victory. This wasn't right. The hero came out on top of the path he could have chosen. This was all a verse where things can go wrong...very wrong for everyone....even Izuku himself. A curse verse that has no winner for many.

The screen begins to light back up. We see Doctor Gaki and AFO. They both react as the glass they had Izuku begins to crack. Finally, it bursts open, and Izuku falls out. At first, there is no movement, but then there is a twitch from Izuku. Gaki looks worried at first, as slowly, Izuku finally stands up with most of his upper body shown and only a cloth covering his lower part. Gaki raises an eyebrow while AFO doesn't react as he waits.

Just like everyone else in the theater.

And then...

Izuku slicks his hair back as marks appear around his cheeks, and he smiles. "Yo, long time old, see you old fool." AFO smiles.

Many of the students in the theater who were standing up to watch fell back, and some faces collapsed in their hands. They couldn't believe it—Midoriya had lost to whatever that person was. No, no, no, there was no way!

Shoto: "We can't give up yet!" Many look at Shoto. "Midoriya never gave up unless there was a 0% chance something couldn't happen. We know Midoriya is still somewhere there! All we have to do is pull him out! Sadly, even if it means we must beat it out of him!" The students look at each other.

Mineta: "He's right! This isn't over! Midoriya wouldn't give up on us! So we won't either!"

Sero: "They're right. Midoriya is one of us, and we will get him back."

Ida: "You all right! We will get Midoriya back! Don't give hope, Midoriya! You said it yourself. We will save you no matter what!" he chopped his hand at Midoriya, who jumped a bit. Izuku only gave a soft smile and nodded.

Many pros were happy with how many of the students were reacting, while all the villains rolled their eyes and could tell it was a fruitless effort. Momo was still on the fence, while Midoriya himself was silent the entire time. All the people who weren't reacting or didn't get go back to thinking it would end well, as two other people for the students: Uraraka and Bakugou.

As much Bakugou hates to admit it with how crap everything has gone with him, There was one thing that has been in all the hell that has happened with everything that has happened here....and that Slayer himself.

He makes it his mission in every verse to prove a point so far; he makes sure people know what he does, how he feels, how he thinks, the good and the bad. Bakugou continues to want to deny the jerk as much as he wants. But like Deku, he means Izuku... he can't. And to drive this home was the nerd himself.

De-Izuku hadn't said anything since the moment he was captured, as if he realized that when Slayer told them this verse would prove that not everything goes well, he meant it.

Bakugou wants to deny it! He wants to see them actually win! He there, he knows the damn nerd better than anyone else....or does he? He thought he knew the nerd as well.

But after seeing many of these verses, from the underground to the villain, to even the damn nerd allowing him to get OFA over him when the role was reserved....he didn't know Izuku as well as he wanted or felt or even thought like. Izuku was already more of a hero in every way. He always hated that about the nerd; no matter how hard he got knocked down or was be-little him, Izuku always got back up and pushed forward.

Bakugou never wanted to admit it....he hated the feeling that Izuku was always ahead of him in terms of being a hero. He always felt and was told he was the best; he deserved to be the best. So he acted like he was the best; he never felt there wasn't a fight he couldn't win. Even after seeing what Ponytail and half-half could do, he put a chip on his shoulder, telling himself he could beat them! He knows he could! He was going to be the next #1! He went into the Sport festival, seeing all the extra below him. Even when he fought Deku chick, he didn't think anyone in the tournament would match him.

But to see half-half use the other half of his quirk against Deku and not him pissed him off. He knew he couldn't accept the fact he 'won,' but Deku was the person who forced someone to actually use his damn power, but Katsuki wasn't! It made him feel he wasn't worth it!?!

After everything that had happened with the summer camp to Kamino up to now, seeing all these verses, seeing how far Izuku really is, made Katsuki feel something. He felt pride in seeing Izuku get stronger, which made Bakugou work twice as hard and prove he was better. Now, though, Katsuki was doubting that.

Seeing how much in other verses Izuku seeing just how strong he was in terms of feat and skills. The verse that hurt his pride more than anything else was the Villain verse. Not just cause of how much he was called out and picked apart but watching himself get absolute curve stomp by a lesser version of the nerd...he wasn't that weak at USJ...was he? Of course, against the braindead bird thing, he was going to struggle. It was designed to take on All-Might.

But against Izuku!?! He should have been able to curve-stomp him!?! No, he didn't. De-Izuku, with a quirk, was just better than him. Was the nerd that far ahead of him that he had to limit himself against him that much now?! A weaker version quirk that doesn't give him a strength boost beat him so severely that he wasn't even that much of a problem to handle.

He wanted to believe he and Izuku were on the same level, that he could keep up...Katsuki wanted to and believe they were........but he wasn't as foolish as some would believe....seeing everything....understanding where he stood to this so-called overseer they have. Some of his thought processes how reminded him of another damn Izuku, just on the whole other tier. He started to believe they could be brothers. Anyway! One thing he knew about them was that if they said it....they meant it.

Slayer wasn't a fool; he didn't let those always get what they wanted. He is too damn calculated for someone like him; it is sometimes out of the fear of death itself in Bakugou. He wanted them to believe everything was preaching, to believe there was hope, and to continue to hold onto whatever amber they could find deep inside. He wants them to think that they were the ones telling the stories......

And it is all completely false. No matter how much they believe, who they pray to, or how much they hold onto the flames of hope or whatever higher power any of them believe in, it all doesn't matter. Because, in the end, they aren't the ones telling the story. They aren't the protagonists of this world. They aren't the ones writing fate. They are the side characters.

Side characters have a role for a reason; no matter how much they believe they are the top dog, they are the ones who lead the charge, no matter how much they want! They don't get a say; they play support, let it be good or bad. And right now....all of them are side characters to what is about to be Katsuki knows....a f*cking massacre.

The other person who was too mellow out and knew something wasn't right was Uraraka. Now, she honestly can't tell you what made such a powerful god-like Slayer see this fantastic person; it was jarring for her.

But she was happy he at least viewed better than others out there in his term, 'his plane of existence.' She liked to believe she was a lot smarter than she let on or others believed. Maybe not book intelligent, but people innovative. She knew certain things about money, all better than most kids her age. Hell, some people have praised her for going out of her way to learn the gunhead style of fighting even though she wasn't a combat-based hero.

Uraraka wishes she could see the sign better regarding her cru-SHE MEAN best friend relationship with Bakuc*nt. But sadly, she didn't, and she regrets it. Not after this, Uraraka will do better, she tells herself she will do better. After the night spent here, she stayed up a little later just in thought; if she really wanted to stand next to Deku, she needed to understand, pick up on many things quicker, and get better. She needs to evolve faster, just how quickly Deku-kun has caught up and surpassed many of them, even with OFA.

She needs to observe a person closer to Deku-kun's skills and thinking. This golden opportunity is Slayer. She shows them all different types of worlds with them in them. Yeah, Deku was the main focus, but it only takes away some of the lessons and skills they can learn. She has been observing each verse, trying to pick things from that Deku verse's way of thinking about the world itself or even the many talks from Slayer himself.

Uraraka has been able to get something out of each verse, with the Black Sheep Deku, from how scary anyone can be on a team, no matter your ability, as long you have a competent/intelligent person in it. To the Telekinesis Deku, true confidence can go a long way, and I want to learn more about the villains and why they do what they do. And the last verse they view with another quirkless Deku; but that one with a great support system around him and how helpful and far it can take people; and there always room to aim higher.

She has yet to fully grasp this verse, but one thing put her on edge: Slayer. He always started off peachy, joking or playfully with all of them. Hell, sometimes caring, aka the Yakuza fic. But this was the first time she honestly felt what many of the pro heroes have felt when it came to him.... genuine fear. She couldn't put her finger on it; all the times Slayer had lost his cool, the aura that he let out made it clear: don't think just cause I'm friendly, we are not on the same level. He is a demi-reaper for a reason. And that feeling....she has it in her gut since they started watching this verse.

She wanted to believe they/she was paranoid. How bad can it really be? They saw Deku-kun as a villain, but it wasn't all that bad. Yeah! It wouldn't...Uraraka tells herself that.

Uraraka knew things weren't going as they had hoped. With how not just with how many pros seem to have gone silent or give off this sense of dread like they experience it, how Nezu's hair was raised, even the so-called King of evil has been giving off this feeling of OH sh*t! But drove this home was Izuku.

Izuku/Deku-kun has always been one of her heroes. The boy doesn't know the meaning of giving up or quitting. He will crawl his damn body and drag it with every fiber of his body as long he can move. He didn't care who or WHAT he had to go through. Call it rektless or heroism. It didn't matter. No one could deny how much heart Deku had as a hero. That's why he was their pillar. Deku has gone silent, and with him clearly faking his smile earlier, it made it clear that whatever this verse wasn't good.

Uraraka wants to believe things will turn out all right. Only some heroes can pick themselves up. Heroes need someone to pick them up, and Uraraka intends to do that for Deku. She wants to stand by his side, not behind, not in front, beside him. Let that be feeling wise or heroic. She wants to be there for him. But she hasn't gotten rid of his nasty, terrible feeling, like some bug stuck to her skin and can't get off. It was like something in her mind asking her....why do you cling to hope?

Why do you believe and fight so hard? What pushes you? Is there a happy ending for all of them? They are just her crush-best FRIEND! Get kidnapped and lose a significant fight clearly. What makes them believe things will turn out all right?

At first, it would because Deku-kun would never give up, so Uraraka shouldn't either! Who will be there to save heroes when they can't save themselves? Someone has to be a pillar—a pillar of hope!

Hope....oh......wait, that word doesn't exist in Slayer vocabulary. The same man who got a kick out watching Deku-kun hurting Bakuc*nt. Even she didn't mind. The same man who has made it clear he has no right or wrong answer for how to stop the rate of villains. The same man who has outright said the concept of hope was nothing more than a word those weak cling to. Were they weak....No they weren't she sure of it. What Uraraka knew was this man dealt with merit. The things that prove all the lip services, prayers, and hype many people do actually mean something.

You can say you can do all you want, but only the victor tells the story in the end. And one thing has been clear to them all; whichever side Deku was on was clearly the winning side. And right now, he was on the villain's side. As much as Uraraka wanted to hold out and believe things would turn around, Deku-kun would break free from whoever this person was, and they would be okay. Things would turn out all right. Just how it has been... oh, how she wishes.

This was Slayer running the show, not them, not anyone else. He was their doll, and they were tied to his string to dance however he felt or wanted to. He allowed them to see and hear what they wanted or believed they should hear.

Only before he crushes any symbol of joy, peace of mind, lack of thinking, or missing pieces. He was someone who could never take it at face value.

It then all clicked to Uraraka. This was the feeling Slayer was talking about—the feeling of helplessness he wanted them to feel. He wanted them to believe this before they got a nasty wake-up call.

Slayer: "And so the final remaining pillar I need to crumble has failed."

Death: "Oh, how you go about it; these last ones were quite something."

Slayer: "It took some time and wasn't easy. I wasn't expecting one of them to break the way they did. But once you break one, the strongest pillar of them all...well, heheh, all the other crumble with ease."

Slayer: "Breaking one with nothing but strength is a clear, easy way; showing it/them the difference in skill, power, and technique, all of those things. While you can hype and believe in the walls you build, that was your foundation. A shaky foundation is just that; a shaky foundation. With nothing but false and cheap wood holding up your walls, you can only do so much to hold them up. Cover up one weakness and one's insecurities before coming to the limelight. Once you see and get a feeling of someone or something far above you. It slowly begins to crack your walls and worth."

Slayer: "You question, were you really all that? Was I not him? How far is the gap, for real? Was I ever at their level? Strength means a lot to people. It is what allows people real power. No matter how smart, no matter how gifted you are. Everyone has something to say until they get punched in the mouth. And how it's the most satisfying. Oh, how wonderful it is not to be weak but to know you hold some type of power over someone. No matter how we try to deny it. Once you know you are better at someone at something, you do everything in your power to hold onto it." Slayer's simple sinister smile never.

Slayer: "And once that power is challenged, you no longer hold that strength to which you desperately cling. You do everything in your power to rebuild those walls with that new material, something to show you can still get it or there is something else...but once that simple leak's all over. After all, it takes one inch, point, word, and action. And everything can change. Take away someone who relies on power or strength and make them feel less. And you can let them do the rest to themselves...they self-explore....boom." Slayer made a pop sound with his mouth.

Slayer: "The other pillar, well....heheh. Honestly, it was just a bonus." Slayer wipes under the side of his nose. How do you stop rebuilding a pillar that is the key to everything. Besides another method, you quickly found the source on who or what the thing that can rebuild that support system. Once you break the one that pulls everything else, aka the leader, if the soldier wasn't taught what to do when the leader's head is cut off. Well, history has shown us. The weaker men crumble. They crack and fold under pressure. Most fools try to rely on their faith but rely on someone or something that gives them a sign. You don't ever see that person fall or feel worthless. Even when at their low, you can fight too and push as long they fight. You, too, will jump and fly as high as you can. You want to be that support for them. But when it destroys flower roots before they truly have time to bloom. How can it realize its true potential." Slayer closed his eyes, still smiling, and stood up and reached out his arms.

Slayer: "Try all you might, no matter how hard or want to believe. When shown unyielding facts and truth. You have no choice but to either stand your ground and die like the fool you are or accept it and adapt. But people tend to forget...." Slayer turns toward his sensei and opens his eyes, seeing that devilish glint in his eyes. "Humans are still flawed and can be broken by how strong one wants to believe as they make themselves out to be. person." He does a cross arm and leg bow, as the smile on his face is a crooked smile. One only those truly foul would understand.

"I was starting to wonder what had taken you so long." "Hmph, I should ask you the same thing, you sack of potato for a head: What the hell happened to you? Last time we talked, you were on your way to try to get your weak little brother back, even though I told you he was gone for good. Why do you look like you got thrown in a dumpster and crushed? Don't tell me that fool Kudo actually got you?"

"Please, like that fool could stand a chance against me; you should know, after all." Sukuna smirk. "I know I saw you were busy. It took 8 attempts to finally put you down. My, you really let your stupid arrogant get the best of you, and look what that got you." AFO went quiet for a bit before laughing. "Oh, how you call me arrogant when I have the king of it standing before me. I would say I learned it from you after all." "Heh, maybe so. Now, what made you give this boy to me. Normally, we would have chosen a host for me for a reason close to me. But this one has no attachment to anything I have done in the past? So what was the idea?"

"There was something he had that made me curious about him." "Hm?" "He was quirkless, as you saw in his memory. He had nothing going for him as a support system except his mom. But the boy felt a destiny to be a hero. A man who was the cause of this to my body saw something in that fool. What I might ask; I have no idea. I want to see if he could really be that special; if he is, maybe he could be useful. As much, he would be a nice host for me. I knew you needed something. A body not only strong-minded but someone who would allow enough power to stand against those in the current generation of quirks."

"As much it pains me to say, as much I hate that fool, All-Might, I have to admit he, along with the other top pros at my current level, could defeat me in my weakened state. But you....*small chuckle* I have seen you bring down a whole city to its knees. I have seen many meta-abilities come to hunt you down, and you not only wipe all of them clean. You were wiped clean of the history book because you were too strong and fearful. We both ran our part of Japan for decades. But time has changed. I'm no longer as formidable as I once was. You...heheh, you haven't lost a step, old friend. What you say; care to help one get rid of his thorn in his side just like I did for you all those years ago." AFO reaches out his hand.

Sukuna looked at it before smiling. He shook it. "I'm here now. I might as well start anew again. I sent one generation of ants back before I could do it again." AFO smiled.

Mic: "sh*t! sh*t! sh*t!"

Mirko: "Whoever this guy is, the fact he is a good pal with AFO isn't a good sign."

Best Jeanist: "Do have a man like him, one who not only respects but goes out his way and asks for help...just how dangerous is this man."

Fat Gum: "Not just that he said he set quirk back once before!?! Are you saying a whole generation of quirks was wiped clean from history books?!"

Slayer: *sips tea*

Kamui Woods: "We got our answer."

Mt. Lady: "What the hell is this verse up against."

Death: "Yes."

"Now we should-" "Hold up." Sukuna put his hand up to make AFO pause. "As much I would love nothing more to test this new gen of quirks and see what they are capable of, as it stands, I'm still not fully accustomed to this user body, and I want to get a feel of this power you so desperately were after. After all, if the brat was just a little stronger, I would lose." AFO and Ganki were taken aback by this for different reasons. Sukuna looks down on his fist before allowing OFA to flow through him.

"I must say, I understand why you wanted this power. It's good I devoured the other 7th before fighting that brat. He pushed me to a point I haven't been pushed to in my life. He actually made me get serious for a while. Now, where is the training ground? I have things to kill." Sukuna was walking away. As he walked, Ganki got a little jumpy from seeing his master and started to laugh.


Toru: "Wait...that...that means...Deku...Midoriya lost..."

Tokoyami: "It seems like it-"

Kendo: "IT NOT OVER!!!" A few people jumped; they looked over and saw it was Kendo. "Midoriya is still in there! Just cause some weird-looking dude said he won doesn't mean he completely won! Midoriya is still in there, I'm sure. If there is anything we know about HIM! Midoriya wouldn't quit! He will find a way to win! And so will we!"

Shishida: "YEAH! She right!"

Tetsutesu: "YEAH! Midorbro would want us to save him, no matter how grim the situation!"

Pony: "W-We c-can't give u-up!"

Monoma: "It's like All-Might said we have to go-"

Class 1-B: "PLUS ULTRA!!" Vlad King felt proud of his class, seeing they were still hoping and not giving up on the other version of them in the verse. He got a good corp of students and did an excellent job with them. It could be better, but it's good enough.

Slayer: "That's cute." They all look at Slayer. "It's nice watching you all continue to think there's some good thing waiting at the end of this broken road. It's nice; who doesn't like a story where everything looks blink, and out comes the hero to turn the story around and save the day! Wonderful, wonderful, I tell you! Now..." Slayer looks down with a smile that never leaves, and a shadow casts light over his face. "Let's see when you face hard, cold reality."

Kuroiro: "You might be all-powerful and show us this verse..."

Jurota: "But we know you don't have a say in the verse itself."

Slayer: 'That's partly true. But we can't go too foruth wall breaking in here. Can't have all the fun now, can I.'

Setsuna: "He's right; you only show us some of the stuff that happens. Why, yes, does Greenie have an effect on the outcome? It doesn't change the fact that other butterfly effects happen in your world. Anything can go. You're not in the verse yourself. As powerful as you are, you know the background of the verse and know only so much. You never outright know the ending of the verse. You know where it ends but not the actual ending!" She pointed her finger at Slayer, who was still smiling!!

Monoma: "For someone like you, this is a level of co*ckiness I never expect you to show. If you think we will falter as easily as you hope! Then you are wrong! Maybe if we were with another overseer who doesn't talk as much or try to give us a lesson in telling the truth. You have stated that you enjoy a happy ending. You wouldn't show us some happy verse if you didn't. We know what game you are playing."

Ibara: "You want us to see if our faith can be broken!? Can we hold out and seek that dim light that lingers out there as long as possible? One person can't do everything. It takes a team effort. And here you are, seeing it! An effort of everything combined is the difference. We won't yield! We won't believe everything blinks until we can no longer move or see. But I have faith in the Lord, who will lead us right!"

Slayer: "........" Start to chuckle before outright laughing. Making the heroes raise an eyebrow. "Oh, this is good; if this was any of my heroic/light faction friends, they would enjoy this. Man, you all are really impressive. I'm shocked at how well you all act so differently from many other crew. It honestly would bring me to tears."

Yui: "If that was true, why are you still smiling and hands open?" We see Slayer's eyes close to what she said he was doing. He brings his hands to his hips and opens one eye with a side smirk.

Slayer: "Now, where is the fun if I give out the answer to everything? Like I said, I want you all to think and act differently. I want you all to feel alive. And you all are heroes. Many of you haven't faced that wall...yet. Well, allow me to introduce you all to that wall called unyielding truth!"

For the next few weeks, we see Sukuna getting accustomed to moving around in Izuku's body, using OFA at his will, and meeting AFO's so-called successor. Honestly, he wasn't that impressed. This child still had a lot to desire. But he will hold his tongue. AFO clearly saw something in him to use him. There is no reason to get involved in that. He mainly cares about testing himself and proving he is the strongest.

It wasn't long before it was the day of recking. Sukuna was leaning against the wall. As he looked at many members, the man Tomura got them to join. Honestly, he doesn't have much hope for this little group. There being hell together; by cheap glue and simple, they can do whatever the f*ck they want. Sukuna wonders if AFO has lost his touch and is entrusting the future to this?

"I'm sure you're probably wondering why I called you all here?" Said Shiagarki. "Kind of, I mean, I was kind of busy." Said Dabi. "heheh, oh Dabi, all you were doing was killing some random people while you waited around." "Can it, you vampire." "I wasn't doing anything/What gives man!?!"

"Well, to put it simply, we're going to watch that one over there." He points to Sukuna. "He Destroyed the heroes."

"I'm sorry, what?" asks Dabi. "Master says we were supposed to attack doing their little summer camp. But Master feels like whoever he is has gotten used to that body and is ready to show why they call him the King." "Tch, King."

"My that sack of balls, finally letting out. My, is he as impatient as he is." "I wouldn't speak ill of a master like that he can-" "It's alright, Tomura." They all turn to the TV monitor. "Sukuna, I'm sure you've been itching to see what this gen had in store. I think it about time for that." Sukuna smile. "Heh, you got say no more. Drop me off, and I'll show you when I am the strongest. But first, I need to go to another spot."

"Oh? And where that maybe?" Ask AFO. "This brat house." He smiled, which no one could see, but AFO also smiled. "Kurogiri, if you made." "Yes, master." Kurogiri opens a portal.

Mt. Lady: "RED FLAG! RED FLAG!!"

Hawks: "I do not like where this is heading!?!"

All-Might: "Please no... don't... I know it can't be what I think is going to happen..." The color in All-Might's face was slowly fading, which wasn't a good sign.

Izuku could feel it. This wasn't good. No, no, no! It can't! It won't! Even as a villain, he cares for her! Don't!

At the Midoriya apartment, we see a lady who clearly has been going through it. She seems to have some weight, as well as bags under her eyes, not just from crying but also from a lack of sleep. Inko Midoriya. A few months ago, she got word her son, her own flesh and blood, her baby boy, was kidnapped and is now missing. The heroes searched high and low, but there was still no sign of her baby boy. It broke her heart; she knew he wanted to be a hero, but...this pain she was feeling was why she was worried for him. As much as she wished she could protect him....she couldn't.

Inko knew she wasn't a strong mother. She failed her husband, and now she has failed her son.

Izuku: "Mom....*sniff*...."

Then, a ringing at the doorbell was heard.


"Coming." Inko got up and went to open it, and once she did, the memory book she was holding dropped out of her hand! She gasped! She couldn't believe it was standing in front of her. It was....was...was her son. Izuku!!?! He was alive!! He's OK!! He had grown taller, but that didn't matter—her boy was here!!! "I-Izuku." Hi, mom."

"Y-Your alive! I-I-I thought you were missing!?! The heroes have been searching for y-you!!" "I know, Mom, I'm here now. I'm sorry for worrying you." Inko opened the floodgates, and the tears wouldn't stop coming down her face. She hugged her son, and she couldn't stop saying her son's name! He was OK! He's here! Everything will be OK! Everything will be-


Be.... OK...

Inko looked down and saw blood....she saw.... the lower part of her body fall over. As she looked up at her son...she saw markings appear on his face. And he had a smile. "Iz...uku..." The top part of her body fell as we see Inko was cut in half. Sukuna only smiled as he held his hand open palm and fired a wave of slashes, cutting the rest of his body up and slashing blood throughout the rest of the apartment. Once the work is done, he looks down with a sinister smile and flexes his arm.

"I hope you saw that boy; I've been holding off from fully devouring you just so I could finally show you how I plan to destroy everything you care for with your own hands. Enjoy the show...Deku." Sukuna would disappear in a flash before anyone could really see him.

In theater, many weren't doing so well; nearly most of them lost their meals and snacks they were eating and were sick. So many want to puke but hold it in. But it didn't stop the flow of tears coming down many of their faces.

No one was more broken and hurt than Izuku. It took a minute for what just registered in his mind. He... he...he... tears began to run down his face. What he just saw... he didn't. That's not... no, why... this can't...

Izuku: "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Izuku fell to his knees and let out the most painfully tearful scream he could muster. His mother is DEAD! And it is because of him! He...he killed his mother!

Inko quickly ran over and held her son close; as much as she wanted to faint or even throw up from what she had just witnessed, she couldn't. Right now, she needs to hold firm and be there for Izuku. No matter how much pain she feels, nothing is worse than seeing one own child hurt more than anything. And Izuku needs all the love and support he can get.

Mitsuki herself...was also broken. She just had to see her best friend....die. And not by some random thugs or villains. By no accident, or even save her son....she was her own son. She was at a loss for words. All she could do was stare into the empty blank space like nothing was before her and feel a little at ease as her husband rubbed her back to soothe her as best he could, even if it wouldn't amount to much.

Bakugou couldn't believe it either; his auntie....someone he viewed so closely. Someone he cared for....was killed. By Deku-No, that wasn't that monster!!! He...HE'LL PAY!! He swears!! His other self better makes that monster pay IN BLOOD!! HE CAN'T! HE WON'T GET AWAY WITH WHAT HE JUST DID!!!

A little bit earlier at UA, we found ourselves with Class 1-A, who looked hungry to get better. It has been about four months since the last time any of them saw their classmate Izuku Midoriya.

After what happened in Hosu, many search parties were put out for Izuku Midoriya. All came back empty. Many heroes spent a lot of energy, time, and resources looking for the missing student, only for it to go nowhere—to the point that they had to call off the search.

Class 1-A was hit the hardest; the dekusquad lost such an amazing friend. Ida couldn't stop blaming himself for what happened and was close to leaving UA if it wasn't for a talk from the other Dekusquad member.

Shoto nearly shut himself out again, but he made a promise to become a better hero for his best friend. He would save him no matter how long it took.

It hurt Uraraka the hardest since she would soon realize her feelings for the green-hair diamond freckles boy. She would spend many nights crying herself to sleep because she missed Deku-kun. After getting tired of crying for a while, she knew Deku wouldn't want that; she would be a new hero who would make Deku proud.

Bakugou himself was pissed about what Deku did, allowing himself to get captured and all. Making it hell in class for the past few months, but he never knew how much he really missed that damn nerd. It drove him to be better. He was going to be the #1 hero. One that would make Deku jealous. He will come back of f*cking hiding, and they can fix everything. Besides, Katsuki knew...he still had to apologize to Midoriya. He was going to bring him that damn nerd home to Auntie Inko. He would never want to see her make that broken face again... if only he knew.

Slayer: "Yeah, mister #1....if only you knew. HEH!"

Along with many others in Class 1-A, they will be better heroes! They will save their classmates themselves, or damn it! They will be a group of heroes that will go down in history!

As the class was getting ready to train for their final exams in a few days, many were pushing back because they didn't want to do it without Midoriya. However, time didn't stop for anyone. Many of them suddenly felt dread. They all turned in the same direction and saw a portal open, one they knew well from that time at the USJ.

Once it opened out, walk...Izuku!? He was taller, and his hair was slick back. He had markings on his face. "M-Midoriya/D-Deku/D-Deku-kun/G-Greenie!!!" his classmate yelled.

Izuku: ""

Sukuna looks at them and scans all of them. So this was the brat classmate who was interesting for sure. Sato would be the first to run over to him. "Man, Midoriya, it's glad to finally see you; we begin to think all hope was lost for finding you. Glad to see you turn up." Sato holds out his hand high. Sukuna didn't say anything but smile. This automatically put many of them on alert. No one moves more than Aizawa, who says, "SATO, get AWAY!!?!" "Huh?" Then Sato jerks slightly...

He looked down and saw Midoriya's fist was through his Stomach....he would cough up blood. "Mido...riya-" Sukuna would easily rip Sato apart as he tossed the body part to the side. All the colors in class 1-A drop.

Same in the theaters as many grasp!!!

"S-SATO!!!" "Now it's time to play.... let's see what you are all capable of. I want to see what this brat friend really is as highly as he makes you all out to be. That one was pretty bland if you ask me." "Y-You....YOU BASTARD!!!" Kirishima would activate his quirk and charge forward. "Kirishima DON'T!!"

"Ah, the next corpse." Kirishima made his arms hard as a rock as he swung wildly at Sukuna, who easily dodged it before giving Red Riot a brutal gut punch that nearly broke most of his ribs, causing Kirishima to split blood. Just as he fell forward, Sukuna caught him by the arm with no care; he lifted the boy up, and the smile on his face never left. "You weren't all that, and your quirk is very underwhelming. Goodbye." Sukuna would try to slash, but nothing came out.

As he was confused, he looked at and saw Aizawa's eyes glowing and his hair standing up. "Ah, you seem interesting. Good, this will be fun. But how does your quirk fair from pure strength." With ease, Sukuna would twist Kirishima's arm back the opposite way, making it bend in a way it wasn't supposed to. Kirishima let out an annoying yell of pain. Aizawa widens at this.

"Students get out here! Go find the other teacher!" "B-But sensei!" "GO NOW! AND THAT'S AN ORDER!!" Many of them didn't, but they couldn't hesitate like time as they all made a beeline for the door behind them.

"I don't think that's very nice." All their eyes widen as they see Sukuna now in front of the door. Aizawa can't believe it. He was just as fast as him; all might!?! He turns to look at him, seeing him making a hand sign. "Let's make this more interesting. Try to dodge. OK, I'd like to enjoy this a bit more."

Sukuna saw a wave of slashes at all of them. Aizawa was too slow for his quirk to stop it, and sadly, Sero and Koda got hit. Sero could yank Jiro and Momo out of the way with Toru. Shoji grabbed Mineta and Denki to dodge, but Shoji did get nicked. Koda pushed Tokoyami and Ojiro out of the way. Aizawa got nicked as well, but he dodged, thankfully.

Everyone looks at the bloody mess made by Sero and Koda getting chopped up into pieces. Jiro and Mina couldn't believe it and lost whatever food was in their stomachs.

Most in the theaters weren't doing any better.

"Come now, I want need to...ENJOY THIS!" Sukuna launched himself over to Aizawa, who hopped back and threw his scarf to capture Sukuna, who easily dodged it but was slightly surprised when he felt something wrap around his wrist. He saw it was the scarf. Aizawa pulls on it and yanks Sukuna toward him, giving him a kick to the gut and sending him back. But pulling tightly and jerking Sukuna back towards him. Just as jumping and kneeing Sukuna in the head, he was surprised because his knee grabbed him.

We then see Sukuna slowly pushing Aizawa's knee back with a smile. "Well, the brat thought highly of you. I know why he considers a pretty cool hero, but it doesn't matter." Sukuna gripped Aizawa's leg tightly and was about to deliver a decisive blow to Aizawa. But, he let go and jumped back to avoid an attack from...Todoroki.

"Todoroki, what are you doing!?! I told you-" "WE CAN'T SENSEI!!" Aizawa was surprised by all the people raising his voice. It was Shoto. "That thing, not only did he basically seal off our way out! He's clearly won't let any of us go!! He also killed our classmates!! And most of all, he's using Midoriya BODY! We promised to save him, which is what we will DO!" As the smoke behind Todoroki lifted, we saw the remaining Class 1-A ready to throw down.

Sukuna folded his arms and kept his smile. "I would be moved to tears, honestly, if I gave a f*ck. I would like to admit that boy was by far more of a problem. Maybe you all could have seen your friend if he could last a little longer." "Don't think we won't; we will save Midoriya." Said Iida. "You all die trying, but I want that. I want to break the green pest more. He's not broken enough yet. So..." Sukuna unfolded his arms and flexed his muscles. "Come, entertain me, filthy monkeys."

And thus, the all-out brawl of Class 1-A, along with Aizawa vs. The King of quirk, Sukuna. Broke out. The first to charge was Ojiro and Bakugou. With Bakugou explosions going off, Sukuna jumped back, avoiding the ash cloud that appeared from the blast. The outcome from the side was Ojiro, who Sukuna began to combat dance with, blocking and throwing away his hits with ease; coming around would be Shoji delivering a hard, powerful punch to his right that Sukuna blocked but would send rolling some.

He recovers by jumping and sending the force of the punch out to lessen the damage. Sukuna is wrapped up in an Aizawa scarf that he picks up, and he begins swinging him around in the air before throwing him against the side of the building.

Outcomes Mineta begins to unleash waves of grape balls at the King, who blows away the dust and flicks his fingers at them to cut up the balls; Mineta gets Nick and is only saved because Shoto used his ice to cover most of Mineta.

Just as Sukuna steps out and lands on the ground, he looks up to see cannonball fire coming at him. Covering the area he is covered in smoke and dust. We see Momo, who made the cannon and began making sharp objects.

Mina made a wave of acid, with the help of Kaminari, who was powering up a generator that Momo created much earlier when Aizawa was fighting Sukuna. The generator was hard-wired to Jiro's boots, and she had her earphone jack plug in and fire the sound wave. The force of the sound wave took the acid with it, sending it toward Sukuna.

He tightened his muscles and punched the ground, making a pillar of rocks that shocked the ground and blocked the attack and many students' views. Once Sukuna could feel OFA flowing through him, he activated it and slammed the ground again. This time, massive shockwaves were created throughout the building, shaking the whole place. This alarms the main campus, and Nezu looks at the screen to see what is happening. What he sees shakes him to his core and causes the hair on his body to stand up.

He quickly hit a button on his desk, alarming the entire campus for an EMERGENCY LOCKDOWN!!! Back with the battle of Class 1-A and Aizawa vs. Sukuna.

Sukuna has successfully separated many of the classes. As strong as they were, he knew he could take them together, but he wanted to break them apart. Besides, he doesn't need too many bodies being annoying flies with All-Might get here.

Going over to the first group of students, he found Momo, Jiro, Denki, and Toru. "It seems you shall be the next to fall. I must say you three would find queens. To be bad, but you aren't the ones I have my sights on." "You out of your mind if you think we will ever love you!!!" yelled Momo as she stood up, wobbling from some of the pain. "Who said anything about love. But when I look at you, I still can't believe someone like you is a high schooler. My, how far the genes have come." Sukuna rubs his chin as he checks out Momo. "You disgusting PIG!" Jiro would fire out a sound wave from her boots towards Sukuna, who stood there and took it. "Is that your best?" Jiro gritted her teeth as she pumped more of her heartbeat into the blast, launching a wave so strong it blew the others away and forced them to cover their ears. Sukuna stood there, tanking the hit all the while. "That's more like it, girly! Show me MORE!"

"Will you shut up, you monster! You killed my friends! You hurt my sensei! And all the WHILE, you're using one of your classmate's BODY! You'll PAY!!!!" Jiro continued to fire wave blasts. All the while, her hearing was getting damaged, and she started to cough up blood. "Jiro! You have to stop! You're killing yourself!" "AHHHHHH!" Jiro wasn't listening as she was still firing out a wave of powerful sound. Sukuna would only smile and hum a tune to himself as he walked through the blast.

Jiro didn't know how or why!?! Why wasn't he feeling any pain!!? Midoriya wouldn't be able to take this!?! So how is this guy able to!?! Soon, Sukuna was in front of Jiro, who stepped back as she gritted her teeth, staring the King of her demise in the face. "I'm impressed by what you can do. It is a shame I was reborn or awakened in this timeframe. You maybe could amount to something." "How...." "Oh, you're wondering why your subpar quirk didn't work? Well, it's simple." He pointed to his ears, showing they were bleeding. "I already ruptured my ear drums when they came to sound." Jiro's eyes widen. "See, like the shiny bald man, I have more than one quirk. A very power quirk or should I say meta, ability." Sukuna flexes as we begin to see some of the damage he has taken is starting to heal. Shocking the students there.

"Now, I'll do you a favor....allow me to show you true terror....all of you true terror." Sukuna would let out the massive killer intent he had been hiding all this time.

Everyone in the gym felt it and fell to their knees; many students began to sweat profusely and couldn't find the strength to stand. Many wondered who the hell this person who had taken over Midoriya was. Jiro, more than anyone, was getting it the worse with her being so close to her. She would fall to her knees and clinch the solid concrete as she couldn't muster up the strength or the will to stand. She began to cry.

Crying....she knew why because she was about to die....she could see it. She was about-*stab!* Jiro looked down and saw a hand through her chest. The other's jaw drops. "JIRO!!!" Momo yells out as tears pour down her face and tries to reach out to grab her, only to get held back by Denki and Toru, who jump on her to stop her from suffering the same fate so soon. She began to wail and tried to fight them off her, but she couldn't. She didn't want Jiro to die.

As Jiro began to accept her fate, she would turn around to the others; they saw it, and what they saw broke them. Jiro was smiling...she went to open her mouth-POP!

An uppercut from Sukuna blew Jiro's head clean off. Now, his extra two arms were coming out his side. The others could only look in shock. Sukuna wasted no time tossing the body to the side. "Such a letdown. Her quirk could have been useful if it wasn't for those disgusted earlobes."

Silences.....Jiro was now gone. She was killed....she was dead. She wasn't coming back. Jiro has done so much....she still had....a dream....she wanted...she wanted....she wanted....

Momo would let a piercing war cry as she got out of Denki and Toru's grasp and charged at Sukuna. He only smiles. As she ran toward him, she would make flashbang to blind him. As Sukuna covers his eyes with one of his arms. She would make knani, throwing them at him, piercing his skin, as well as a rope of some sort sliding past him and have it slowly wrap around him, trapping his arms against his body. Making two large nail cannons. As she panted from nearly overdoing it, she didn't care. She would fire the two cannons of giant nails stabbing right through Sukuna and, with their weight, would cause him to fall to the ground. The only thing holding his body up was the nail.

Momo wasn't done. She would make electric wires, throw them, and have them fall on top of Sukuna. Then, she would drop two electric motors to send power through the wire, trying to fire Sukuna/Midoriya.

To finish it off, as Sukuna was getting charged over a thousand volts regularly, she would begin dropping grades off her body. She smirked as she grabbed one, looking at Sukuna right in the face, who widened at this. "See in hell, co*ckbag." Throwing the grenades caused a chain reaction and massive explosion, shaking the gym even more.

As the quaking stops and the dust settles. Momo pushes a chuck of the concrete off her as she coughs off the surk out of her lungs. She would try to stand but find it difficult as she can guess both her right arm and leg have lost most of her feeling. Leaning against the rock she was blasted into, she smiled and thought...she was sorry, Jiro.

"My, my, you actually have a wonderful and powerful quirk." Momo's eyes widen; she sees Sukuna slowly getting up from the dust and pushing the collapsed piece of Dubie off him. He begins walking towards her. "I must say, you are quite a strong girl. Once I'm done breaking this world, you might be one. I'll see what I can do with you by making you my puppet." Momo was at a loss of worlds as she saw most of the damage he suffered from the burns, and part of his skin that was blown off began to heal...his healing couldn't be that strong, CAN IT!?! Sukuna cracks his neck.

"As nice as that little fireworks show you put on was, all good things must come to an end. Be proud, little girl; you actually did some considerable amount of damage." Sukuna swung his arm, and Momo's head was gone as blood splattered against the rock she was leaning against. Her body jerked slightly before it went limp, fell over, and collapsed to the side.

"Ah, yes, boy, I can feel it...I can feel your rage, your anger, your sadness, all of it. Good, GOOD! I want you to continue to fight for control! I want to show you just how weak you really are. Don't worry, I haven't broken your last two most prize pieces...not yet. One will be soon." Sukuna calms himself as he folds his arm. Coming up from behind were both Ojiro and Shoji, who, while bleeding from the head a bit, two would not stop. As he goes for a punch. Sukuna's extra arms would spin around and stop the strikes from hitting him.

The two try to pull their arm away but no afail. "I must give props to you two; no fools would be brave enough to continue to fight after witnessing what they just saw. The mere fact you pushed on makes it seem this generation of quirks users is a rare breed instead. Such a shame, your all flames have to be cut short!" Sukuna yanked his arm down and pulled Shoji's and Ojiro's arms clean off. "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" It is not all that bad; you'll be fine. It not like you'll dead...." Sukuna slashes diagonally like an X with two arms, diagonally cutting Shoji and Ojiro in half. "Oh, I stand correct. Whoops." As both spalt on the ground, he looks at the two; he wants the site of what he did to sink in. He wants the boy to know just how much pain he let happen for being weak. The weak will always be destined to lie under the strong. That's just how it is.

A simple rule, but all creatures on this ball of earth follow.

Sukuna felt he had wasted enough time before moving on to the next group of worms he planned to crush. They happen to be the remaining members of the bakusquad with a broken arm: Kirishima, Mina, and Bakugou. "Listen, hear Raccoon eyes when me and red-hair make an opening in the side of the building and make a mad dash back to the campus; we got warn All-Might in the others!" "I can't just leave you both! Kirishima is injured, and who knows what happens to the others!! I don't want to lose-" "WE DON'T HAVE TIME TO AGURE MINA!!!" Yelled Kirishima, which shocked her. "Right now, that thing isn't our friend, I'm sorry. We can't save Midoriya if we are all dead. Right now, we need someone who can take on that monster. I hate this as much as you, but we all spread out to see if Iida could get out. You right now are the best bet." Mina had tears coming down her face as she gritted her teeth; she knew what they were doing and hated it, but they were right.

"What do we have here? We are trying to think of a plan to get help. Don't worry; I'm sure help is on its way. It just will be too late to get here." They all turn to see Sukuna standing right behind them with that signature arm cross he loves to do. "YOU!" Bakugou would charge in, "Oh, come down, dog. I'll get to you soon." He backfists Bakugou away. He started to walk over to Mina, who fell on her butt out of fear. What she saw Sukuna was a four-eyed demon staring her down. She was afraid; she didn't know what to do; she was shaken to her core; she wanted to throw acid; she tried to run; she wanted to protect her friend like last time, but this time was different. She was scared of her death...that was what she was feeling and seeing....her death.

"I won't let you!!" Kirishima got in front of Mina and activated his quirk. "Pft, you!!? You plan to protect her!?!" "I won't let you hurt my friends anymore!" "You should say that to all the bodies over there. I have to admit the Ponytail girl, along with the two mutant freaks, were interesting. Nothing much, though, sad." They grasp from the sound of this...Momo...Ojiro...and Shjio are all dead...

Kirishima gritted his teeth; as tears began to roll down his face, he went for a punch. "YOU BASTARD!!!" "Oh, quit your whining, you baby." Grabbing a hold of Kirishima's only good arm left, Sukuna snapped it off clean as Kirishima let out a painful scream. That makes Bakugou and Mina snap out of it and freak out internally. "And how do you plan to protect anyone now." Kirishima gritted his teeth as he did his hardest to look up at Sukuna. "I...I....I will...." "There is no way someone who can't even protect himself can protect anyone else, right? Now, stop flopping around like some fish out of water and join the other side with the rest of you worms." Sukuna would kick Kirishima right in the stomach, making him cough up blood and have him fall on his back.

Stepping on him, Mina slowly began to hear cracks as Kirishima couldn't get him off him and was slowly crushing him. "KIRISHIMA!!!" yelled Mina. "GIVE OFF HIM!!!" Bakugou blasted over toward Sukuna, who only kicked Kirishima up to take the blast, shocking Bakugou. Sukuna smiled at this as he punched through Kirishima's chest, delivered a punch to Bakugou's face, and sent him flying back.

Once he pulled his fist out of Kirishima, Sukuna turned his attention back to Mina, who saw her best friend and possible crush killed in front of her, and she did nothing. Made her snap, she makes a new move, an acid rush-like move where she fires a small wave of acid and rides it towards Sukuna. The smile on his face never leaves as he zips over the acid wave. Mina's eyes widen as Sukuna disappears, and a shadow-shaped shape in the form of a hand appears in front of her face. Sukuna grabbed it, took her off the wave, and slammed her head fist into the ground.

It disobulated her, and pretty sure she was bleeding from the back of her skull/head, most likely. Sukuna would only pick her up and let worthless bodies hang only by his hand. "You are quite cute; I see why the green brat took a slight interest in you. Too bad you aren't his preferred choice." Sukuna would slam her head down onto the ground again. And again, and again, and again, and again. He would do this with a smile, as blood sometimes landed on his face.

Bakugou could only watch in horror as he watched someone he would consider a good friend; he was being murdered in some shook him to the core. He should be able to move...he should be able to save Racoon-eyes. But he couldn't...he was frozen to the core.

From the killer's intent, he felt earlier how easy this was. This person uses the nerd body toy with them and easily wipes them all out! He was losing everyone close to him, and he couldn't do anything about it—no, no!

Bakugou blasted himself so fast that it would shock anyone; even Sukuna was taken aback by the sudden burst in speed, and he had to react by putting up his arms to block the explosion. Which did knock Sukuna away a bit. Bakugou wouldn't give him time to recover as he would blast over him and unleash a torrent of explosions from his palms. Then, blasting around as he hit Sukuna from all angles, he grabbed Sukuna and spun like a wheel, surrounding them both in a torrent of flames and explosions before aiming towards the ground and seeing Sukuna down to the ground.

Still in the air, he aims his gantlets down, bringing them closer as he pulls both pins on the support gear. "DIE!!!!!" He unleashes one of his most powerful explosions, nearly knocking the roof off the building and sending a wave of debris, smoke, and dust across from them. The remaining alive students and Aizawas had to cover their faces to block some of the stuff from getting into their eyes.

Bakugou breathed heavily. He landed on the ground; he wouldn't lie, and his arms were feeling that impact. He didn't control his output, but he didn't care. He was going to make this bastard pay for what he did. He's going to get that sh*tty nerd back.

"I won't lie. That was actually pretty good." Bakugou eyes widen from the voice. "I have to admit...." The sound of a neck cracking loosened up the pain. "That hurt like hell." Bakugou's mouth was wide open like a pufferfish out of water. He said nothing as he began to blast explosions off without care. He can't! He won't! He won't let things get away with what it has done!!!! "Oh, you sad fool." Bakugou stopped as he saw his Sukuna shadow body outline. The next thing he felt was Sukuna's knee right in the stomach, sending him flying.

Bakugou only split blood and saliva out, but Sukuna wasn't done as he still had OFA active. He zipped around in the air and began to juggle Bakugou. All those on the ground were in a state of horror as they watched their classmate begin to get the Rock Lee vs. Garra treatment on a much larger scale Ba.kugou was clearly unconscious and was slowly dying from the impacts.

After a certain hit hit Bakuogu in the air, Sukuna didn't go after him and slowly began to fall/descend back to the ground. The dekusquad was about to react and find a way to grab him, but this was what Sukuna wanted as Bakugou slowly fell past Sukuna.

We see a shadow cast light over Sukuna's face, and all we can make out is his smile. He balls his together and lifts them up. AND THEN! SLAM!!!

Sending Bakugou rocketing to the ground, making a giant dust cloud form and going out. Blowing everyone else away.

Going to the crater created by the attack, we see Bakugou might be out cold and Sukuna floating down gracefully next to him. He sits on his butt next to Bakugou as he down at him, with a side smirk and his face on his chin.

"When I fought the brat and went through his memories, I don't know why he thought so highly of you. You're pretty underwhelming, all things considered. But I guess it makes sense; the most inflated egos are often the most fragile." Sukuna stood up.

"You speak as if you had this great quirk that could allow you to match the top or keep up with those stronger than others. You had no right to be stronger than others. You had the skill, I'll give you that, but overall, No matter how much power you have, there's a limit to everything. And you sure would have hit soon." Sukuna opens his palm mainly towards Bakugou's chest. "Oh, before I forget, I know how important that green-haired lady was to both of you; yeah, I'll kill her." Sukuna smile gleeful. Bakugou's eyes awoken from that and were broken as the tears were getting ready to form. "Tell her to feel proud; she gave birth to the very body that will destroy these generations of quirks."

Sukuna fired off his slashes, cutting Bakugou, and with no one nearby to save him and making sure to aim for the heart and get rid of it, there was no way to come back from that; Bakugou was dead.

Slayer: *sips tea*

Sukuna didn't even linger around for this one, as he had one more thing he wanted to break. One more before he ends this little game. He wondered how much time he had left before that big, great hero that had done so much damage to AFO and the person Midoriya thought so highly of and, as some of the pursuers, got here. With how much damage he suffers today, he knows himself. He wasn't sure if he might be able to beat that oaf. But he might go down with him.

No...Sukuna doesn't want that. He was the strongest for a reason for many generations in the past. It wasn't just for destroying many generations of quirks users; it was also because he would find the strongest in those generations and beat them. He wants to beat this All-Might fool at his best. And for that, he had to make sure he gave him motivation to come at him with no punches or pulls.

Zipping away, Sukuna would find his next target—or, he should say, his main target in all of this—a person who meant a lot to the green-haired brat, a person who made this useless person actually worthwhile, the person who was changing him for the better. He found the girl this boy liked, Ochaco Uraraka.

Izuku: "NO! PLEASE!! DON'T!!! URARAKA!! PLEASE RUN AWAY!!!" Izuku yells out, pleading for something! Hopefully maybe! JUST MAYBE THERE WILL BE SOMETHING LEFT! DON'T TAKE HER AWAY FROM HIS OTHER SELF!

"Interesting, I wonder what made him fall for someone like you. As someone as plain as looking at you." The dekusquad would turn around as Sukuna appeared behind Uraraka. She tried to jump back, but he grabbed her and brought her close, using one of her free hands to hold her face and look from side to side. "Hmm, I wonder if you're not that bad-looking. Up close."

"Get your hands off" "My, you sure have a lip on you. You got some kick to you. Hm, maybe the boy does have good taste after all." "LET HER GO!!" Iida got his engine ready to use his special move to zip over and deliver a powerful kick to this villain, but he had to be innovative. He currently has Uraraka as a hostage. Sukuna then smiles. "It's going be nice to break you. Don't worry, he thought highly of you. He spoke highly of all of you. But mainly you girl."

"Give.Deku-kun.Back." "Hmmmm, I don't think so. Now..." Sukuna would teleport or zip away with Uraraka in his arms. The dekusquad got worried as they looked around, wondering if he left the building entirely. They didn't know that Sukuna was behind some of the debris. He still had a firm grip on Uraraka as he turned around and held a hug from behind, holding her tightly. She struggled to get out of his grasp as she tried to fight and see if she could have some space to use her quirk on him.

"Before we do anything, I can't have tried anything, so." Sukuna broke both of her thumbs on her hand. Uraraka let out a painful scream. This alerted at least Tsu and Aizawa, who had good hearing, to go in the direction of the sound.

Sukuna smiled and whispered in Uraraka's ear, "Now, it's time to break you and the brat. Don't worry; I won't kill you, not physically, at least." Uraraka didn't get a chance to answer as she felt part of her uniform tear apart.

It didn't take much for her eyes to dilate as she had a feeling about what was about to happen. She began to toss and squirm as much as she could, all to no avail. "Awww, don't be like that; it's not like the boy who likes you is the one doing." Uraraka didn't really listen as she wailed and fought all she could. "Man, you're so nasty, annoying." And without any hesitation, all we see is a jerk motion. Uraraka's pupils shrink in size, and tears begin to roll.

The sound of laughing and motion and the sound of the screams of pain are heard throughout the air as she is forced to do nothing but take it and can't break free; all the while, Sukuna has a smile and laughs while doing it.

Those viewing in the theater were utterly broken as well, to the point that most of the students covered their mouths and lost the will to speak, as they all had tears coming down their faces. Uraraka herself didn't even make a move. It was like she wasn't there, nothing more than a hustle body, broken and destroyed mentally and physically by what she witnessed. Just like everyone else, tears rolled down, and so did her, but no one knew just how much different the tears she was, dropping the weight and pain they were. This hurts, and she couldn't think or speak to why.

But no one else was hurting more than Izuku himself; this verse was the verse that genuinely broke him. Not only did he have to witness him losing badly and control of his body. He had to watch with his own hand killed his mother! Someone he loves! He cares for me! The person who meant the world to him!? The person he wanted to make proud and ease her pain, not to make her worried in the future. HE to see himself kill his friends! His classmates! People who didn't judge him for his past would even stand up for him! They were willing to sacrifice so much for him! He had a group of friends who meant the world to HIM!


But worse of all, besides killing his mom, nearly his sensei/teacher, and his friends....he had to watch him/someone use his body and...and...HURT his best friend/LOVER in that way!

He thought it couldn't get worse from losing his mom......but NO! It just getting worse. Just when Izuku felt like he finally got done hitting rock bottom. Just when no matter what happened, there was a light at the end of the tunnel, and there was some hope! Let it be for others or himself! He thought it was all good! BUT NO!

Izuku now understands Slayer's words: no matter how bad you think you hit rock bottom, there is always another layer!!! No matter how hard you try to fight it, there will be things out there to hit you harder and break you!

Izuku thought he was stronger than this! He thought he could survive whatever was thrown at him; he told himself he need stop crying! BUT IT WON'T STOP! He can't stop crying! It hurt, it hurt, and all feeling in the world right now more than anything; he wanted this other self....he wanted just....die.

..........He should have done what Bakugou said..........

After a bit, Sukuna let go of Uraraka and dropped her like a sack of potatoes, a now broken and used girl. Uraraka didn't even make an attempt to move as she lay there like she was killed; she might as well be. She wanted to die....parted her wanted to die.

Once, Sukuna had a satisfying smile and teleported/zipped away. He soon steps in front of a running Aizawa. Who gritted his teeth, jumped back, and prepared himself. "Calm yourself, Eraserhead. You have already failed." "If you think-" "I already wiped out nearly 80% of your class and soon be the rest of them. And with one of them completely broken. I won't be surprised if she did after this as well." Aizawa couldn't believe his ear....most of his kids were dead. NO! NO! He has to be lying. They can-

"Take a good look around, Eraser. Who's showing up?" He looked around to see that only a select few were appearing. He waited, hoping for more, but a sinking, disgusting feeling began to set in as no more was showing up. "You had some interesting eggs, Eraser, but I have extinguished their flames. They will not have the chance to burn as bright as their future could have been. Such a shame a few of them were quite interesting."

"You....You....You...." "Oh, shut up your tears; you all knew this would happen sooner or later. After all, you all risk your life fighting and saving. What were the chances those kids wouldn't meet their end sooner? All lives have to die at some point. It is not my fault they were weak. The strong live, and the weak die. Simple."

"And look around. Many of the students who are left they're afraid. Some had witnessed their classmates die right in front of them or seen their bodies. Many have lost the will to fight. I don't blame them. Fear is the principle that humans obey and bow to those who create it or hide from it."

"Don't worry...sensei." Aizawa gasped as he heard Izuku's voice. "I'll let you live along with Uraraka-san and one more student..." Sukuna would put his hands together and make a weird hand sign, and to add insult to injury, he used Izuku's voice. "Be happy, sensei; you were right...I was a liability." Sukuna smile; but Aizawa saw his student Izuku smile.

He tried to react and yell out, but as Sukuna spoke, a wave of slash and destruction exploded around them, blowing away everything around them, and the building came crumbling around them.

As the building crumbled, Sukuna only did a cross-arm bow and opened his arm as he listened and felt proud of the utter destruction he had unleashed upon the place. He heard the sound of ambulances and people running, screaming, looking over in horror, and so much more. It was a symphonic symphony of pure, utter destruction and chaos—the very thing he loved.

Finally, someone comes, landing with enough force to rock the core. Sukuna opens his eyes and slightly turns his head.

"Sorry, you're too slow. All-Might." From the dust, we see glowing blue eyes, and they emit nothing but pure, utter rage, hate, and an unyielding aura. They are the current #1 and the strongest of this generation. All-Might.

"YOUNG MIDORIYA WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!" "Ah, that's the name of the boy you view as a son and the body I'm using." "BODY....USING."

"As much as I would like to stay and chat with you, I accomplished my task today. I came to eradicate this brat, and the mere fact I can hear the pain and yell from here, I said it completely." "WHAT MAKE YOU THINK I'LL LET YOU GETAWAY!" "Simple, you care too much about those around you. Take good care of the present I left you all. It would be a shame if the next generation were a complete pushover." "WHAT DID YOU DO!!?"

"What I didn't do." "It's been fun, but I have to rest. I want to make sure we both do our best. Strongest in today's history, All-Might." A portal would then open behind Sukuna. "NO! WAIT!" All might charge forward in hoping to grab him.

"Ah! That's right. I never told these fools my name; hear it well, All-Might and all. My name is Sukuna, KING OF QUIRKS!! Allow me to introduce myself. I would like to say hello."

As All-Might grabs nothing but air, he looks down, and soon, his eyes force on the dried-up blood below his feet. It soon dawns on him what has happened.

Letting out the powerful, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

As Sukuna's laugh rings out in the air, the sky darkens. It begins to pour, heroes, teachers, and students rushing and running around, trying to do what they can. Many look at the horror that was the gym; only two students are seen unconscious, along with Aizawa, who seems to be missing an arm and is put on the same strength as him. The pain and horror that is happening today rings throughout all of Japan.

The screen fades to black.

Slayer: "......" He stood up and went to the stage. He made no sound, but his footstep was heard. Once he was in the center, his eyes could not be seen. He took a deep breath and said, "We shall take a break."

With that, everyone rushes out with no words to say or speak. Only the sound of rushing footsteps and the emotional weight they all feel on their shoulder as they leave the theater.

Ending the viewing of this verse.

End of Chapter.

MHA react to the Dekuverse - Chapter 15 - GodSlayer2468 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (1)

MHA react to the Dekuverse - Chapter 15 - GodSlayer2468 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.