The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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103 tirirr 'I'irr TJTTDPT trtlnnr la fl I UPSON 1 4 rr PEPPER PIKE A nw mlrnrh with living RE A RESPECTED NAME IN REAL ESTATE LOVELY HILLTOP DI CARLO vs land ARROW Shaker Malvem KO 3 6868 REALTY 1 10 Suburb Property (Eat) HUDSON Elliott Guest Edgewood drop Bl Eddy xas: ra Sal Lata 106 a EV 1 6629 5 CK 8 5311 SPECTACULAR! SU 1 1262 STARVIEW ESTATES Because of the large volume uiu acu leaiurcs living rr i room with fireplace dining room full 115 COTilftSi SltlSt nCSOnS hatamanf wifh nw fumaw 1 10 LOTS noon or most helpful serv Mile BR 1 2222 placed early in the week 108 Sal Apirtmnh Situs OU' HJ Sale arms and Acreage never freer 20 ecres of W1 timber Good roads STREKAL IIS Wanted RI Estate AUDiua ru in dirongsvuie aajoin tnx level lots 70x1240 City water ONLY 82200 each Sobel Blumers BE 7 7957 High Grade Home VL 1 1877 urb SK 1 2600 Evea EN 1 7863 LI 1 1965 4 100 107 Sale Business Property A PLAIN DEALER AD WILL SELL IT! 117 Home Building Want Ad Columns SK 1 8550 JOSEPH LARONGE Inc East rase BY owner 5 section: all conveniences: no repairs Good Jncome A condition Extras LO 1 1762 on nice and hot ckse to schools for Do and of in 3404 114: 2 famlly house 2 fur naces 2 car garage rood income 4 clothes closets down: 2 Mr rloaets up nice garden nice fruit trees Oft Lakeview: 8 rooms ga $11900 Rd reeway: 6 rooms $12500 very earn bed fin BY owner Cedar Center 2 years eld: 7 rooms plus 2 full bains recreation room and attached gime EV 2 4059 uiAiroes KT have buyers watting Cali AC 1 1430 McLaughlin Realty Realtor! PEE MY SUNDAY AD OR VALUE ECKART REALTY KE 1 1440 48 acre farm on Ohio Route 42 one nauirai woodwork liiTtorr mile south West Salem: About 1000 frAnfa milt aSt' Arlrtrl rttn SEE thi today: bedroom house: 2500 down Noble Really LI 1 0330 or MU 1 7005 CESSNA RECUT HOMES Catalog Sox 470" airview Park VUIUWI 6AI 01'1 1 Highland Heights Just a few doers St Pascbai'e Schoo) and Church 'J EJI? TC CONSULT Ar 19 acre of wooded land The A Smythe Co 20100 KINSMAN See Our Sunday Ads The Hanson Co EV basement with new gas furnace: storms and screens: single car Raraje on neatly kept lot owner moving out of state Priced for quick sale a $13500 'ZUCKER MARINE SUPPLY ST CLAIR AT 63 HE 1 4431 20200 DETROIT RD ED 1 8 28 detail Information confidential Box 11727 Dealer Grafton Road East Brunswick Ohio 104 South Euclid Lynlhunt 1 04 South Euclid Lyndhurst Richmond Hts Highland Hfi Richmond Hti Highland Hti Mayfield Mayfield Heights Mayfield Mayfield Heights SEE OUR SUNDAY ADS REAUf REALTY IV 1 9911 WA 1 0656 Realtor Eves 16 131B Member Exclusive Multiple Exchans kJL AJl A a LYNDHURST 6 room brick colonial priced to seU Barr Realtor A 1 7209 SEE OUR SUNDAY AD ROWLAND REALTY EV 1 0500 Multiple Listing Service Lake Shore 242 Realtor RE 1 8200 I REALTORS HI 2 1170 3 BEDROOMS for $8993 Only $595 down Eaton Homes Elton 9913 WK Need Singles Suburban West HALL REALTY Realtor RK 4 1300 ATTENTION BUILDERS ALBION RD in StronwvUle 2 adjoin SEE OUR SUNDAY AD Wm Town Realtor 1 5770 2 Int conveniently located in Pi There Pariah neap school and shopping in Garfield Height NW 3 brtroorn: Cirprttni near Rap school 827300 WY 1 1406 Berea Middleburg Heights Strongsville Horth Royalton OR Apt? Commercial Investments Call raser Realty Co CH 1 6213 SEE OUR SUNDAY AD Thom a Reap Realtor CH 7 7 356 114 Sale actories Sites Hts Mayle Hts Bodford Warrensville Heights rJ 0UR SUNDAY ADS LARRY BASLER Asaoc SK 3 0870 OR that cute bungalow you've wanted call May Ville Realtor HI 2 0600 BUILDERS Mayfield at Lander SEE OUR SUNDAY EAST ADS YERTY REALTOR UL I 1933 DOUBLE OR APART AT 1 1331 EDGEWOOD EUCLID OHIO Nice Untie on 225th St: 7 years old: 2 bedrooms down? recreation room expansion on 2d: nice lot Lomond Blvd $21500 colonial with spacious on lat Including Uvint with fireplace dinlrt LIBRARY screened breakfast nook LAVA Open house Sun Oct 14 th all lm Terms all lm 2 AMILY 5 larie rooms and bath 2 cas fur nac3 2 car garage immediate pof seaalon 3240 117th St UaII for 1001 frontaxe off Aurora RdT low priced: time MA 1 7237 eves A 1 6096 118 Reel Estete Loens 101 East Northeest Eest Cleveland Euclid Mull Assoc UT 1 2343 UL 1 1877 East Cleveland $12500 6 roora colonial excellent condition very modern sanltaa walls Youngs town kitchen completely redecorated gas heat copper plumblnx tile bath ear rapid Terrific buy! Rubin Realty YE 2 8873 BIG 2 bedroom buntabw: nsw street $16025 13112 Oax St Sandel Realty MA 1 7350 ARCr PAMH Will be right at home In hi? Early American umuu rmiiLi wlth lhree mutw bedrooms and bath up firrt floor has the usual rooms plus a lavaton and a acrecned in porch recreation mom: two ear attached sarage Mayfleld Bclvolr area: Immediate occupancy at a rtahstical price 105 Pepper Pike Orange Moreland Hills Solon Chagrin alls Hunting Valley Gatos Mills Sc last Cleveland Sclcn Gsrfibld Hght 6 Room Single On Kelso west off of 140 This 3 bedroom one owner home is very clean and well maintained features llvmc Ktaay to buud on $3a00 bP 7 0121 INDUSTRIAL site: Clinton Rd area S3' frontage by 285' deep RE 4 0934 VACANT lot sUe 4264 front by 11825 deep located on Mlles Ave between 114th St and 146th St Zoned tor general retail EAYPZZ Realty VU 3 5450 Mr Krent 3 1 basement screen and storm doors: marbi snip gome landscapplnt: 'ment dr'le: 2 mog old $ir800 6094 Bums Rd oft Butternut Rldt: Open Sun 2 5 Three Bedroom Cojonisl Immaculate Throughout inished Recreation Room Back Screened Porch Beautiful Carpeting Two Car Ga rage Near Transportation CALL RE 1 6200 RIGHT NOW EVERSON $2500 SEE THIS TODAY 4 bedroom house off Superior A Noble Realtv LI 1 0330 and MU 1 7005 6 ROOM near reeway: Imme diate possession: uwner EV 1 652W (Continued ia Next Olemn) 9 SUITES $35000 Bruh Realty MA 1 198 1 WE have cash buyers for hemes lota apartment? est Tejt Call Craig Realty Mr Hay TU 4 1700 LAND DEVELOPMENT MONEY AVAILABLE OR CHOICE LOCATIONS coarcr RASHKis ye 2 9150 BUY SINGLES AND DOUBLES BEREA AND WESTERN REALTY BR 4 3403 WE Have a Buyer tor Your Home Ariwrft KtAbl! 80x350 comer Bennett and Akins Rd $1500 Broker SH 9 3020 owner Larje bunsalow: 2 bedrooms bath stall shower dininy room: dinette down: 2 bedrooms sewjnx room bath up: Cedar bus Lne El' 2 2040 5 5 3 WHITMORE AVE Gas heat larjre rooms: 2 tarace 3J floor 3 rooms and bam Low down payment regular bank terras SANORD HERMAN Realtor ex 1 3200 32 Westlake Avon Avon Laks North Olmsted Olmsted alls Joseph Larongc IncReal Leaders of Southeast Office Busiest Market The Plain Dealer MISS THIS Beautiful 3 bedrocm Bunralow tn LYNDHURST: 2 years old owner transferred out of city dinin? room: nice kitchen: storms screens land scaped: 2 car sarage Price includes nvv BUSINESS PROPERTY It INCOME North Olmstead store for liquor spot: 2 dwelHngs block buildings Lots 175x4 50 $48000 ur trade $15200 AND UP DART REALTY VU 3 1000 BY OWNER: 8 rooms bath fumree: do ible rarage: 39800: 6632 Hamle RANCH: lovely knotty pine interior 7 rooms 2 baths fireplace: dishwash er Disposal): 1 block of 280 Of Blvd: $31500 RE 1 2232 orest Park Solon OERS THIS Beautiful and spacious 3 bedroom 1U bath ranch style home double at tached faraje: built in oven rangedishwasher refrigerator freezer lot 1 100x300 with city water CALL AND SEE tre 1 ill' DDILLiLix DIULI ice ads for bunday should be pasi Turney aa lu 1 2929 BY owner: 414 room ranch type bungalow full basement rarase: double lot: barbecue storms and screens car pettnr built in ranxe: Miles Lee area $12000 Call LU 1 9808 Mayfield Heights New Bungalows Located on several streets In this residential area Living room kitchen dinette 3 bed rooms and tile bath full base ment Calcinator etc Whv worry about a house? $19400 to $10700 BURLINGTON RD 4 BEDROOM 2 BATH ColonUI: 8 room In ill 1st floor amily Room On of th but itrrets A 70' lot rail us tor "nrrst Hill homas EG WILKINSON REALTOR A 1 4111 ra 1 44H Eanf SlIAKER ERNWAY Restored New England Colo nial homo Circa 1815 located in one of Ohio's most beauti ful villages Modern kitchen with dishwasher dis posal built in stove ifrewer nptlonali Living room dining room screened in porch wood burnine fireplace 3 bed rooms baths linen room inished basement with workshop: 2 car re rage attached Other features in clude: Automatic oil heat: city water walking distances to shnppinz cen ter schools and all churches Direct bus and train lines to Cleveland CONED Industrial lot 117x70 3 from downtown John Salechuk Realtor 4 239 RIDGE SH 9 0 310 12700 SQ heat sprinkler park sldln convenience: ast Side brokers protected by OWNER SW 1 5801 1 12 Out Of Town Real Ettaie SUBURBAN COLUMBUS Spacious Pi story CoWilal with expandable 2nd: large kitchen with eating space: 12x14 dining off 15x27 living room with wood burning fireplace 2 large bedrooms: large bath with vanity: carpetins dishwasher ete 2 car detached ca rage ail on 4 acre Columbus HU 6 6241 nr YE 2 5700 Ext Cleveland after Sun GEROME CAPRETTA WILLOUGHBY Kirtland: 6 room ranch style 514500: near ifrhool fhcpplnj center ecre 3Va ear ja rase: dead end street Phone CUfford 6 8822 SINGLES lowa Mapt School 8 rooms rage: $12900 NEAR US 20 and turnpike: future 76x126 $6000 title insur ance need cash accept $1433: gar den will repay lot build home spare time tare StiOOO QL 1 4683 SELECTIONS tlTrrALL 32841 Vint St Editor UT 380 3140 Maylll8 Rd HI 2 otoo R'tltor Open Dillj TiU Helzht Suburban Multiple Llstm 1 1 I 1 I I vz1 4(1 UUlUl tt 'U UV V'M I 4 4L ry NO EAST OR WEST ro assessment choice new ub lavatory is Tn noient Ar amn 7 A A VUUl'UE VCV ATLKA VT av 24 Acre Sites 100x330 I an American bzauty finest: on royalion Parkway st: Beaedlct Luthw Churchss i Ideal Neighborhood 3 year old Cape Cod3 bedroom living room den large kitchen 32'xl2' ce ment patio choice wooded lot wall to wall carpeting 3 6M gas range 19110 Medowlark SK 1 8096 1 6 106 Aurora St( tAlin rancn nome 514 lot 45x tni $75000 AVAILABLE to purchase er 200 near Green Rd ox Realty' tmake 1st and 2d mortKM Write in IT 1 9684 or CE 1 8613 1 CEDAR CENTER 4049 Eatway Rd: Lovely ranch value with 3 bedrooms on first: carpeting drapes dishwasher rasher air con ditioners complete: immaculate Im suvuiti vtvupancy rocky River Modem 6 suites Indi vidual heat garages Excellent income CL 2 1372 65: 4 famlly brick: 6 rooms and Lath each suite: ru tumafea: rarases 2 vacant A STEAL ACT AST! IN 1 8133 Broker WAI 6982 Joseph Laronge Inc Estate Leadera of Southeast Office MO '3 668 SINGLES i BAY VILLAGE WANTED 5 room home from 6 to 30 i Lot 105x150 all improvements tn rK raAM4h1v Aiit3iA ar I RtAdV to hlHM MT Xi Atlft KP 7 Al 1 Mory brick bldg West A shape: email down payment easy terms TO 1 314 2 109 Exchange Real Estate WILL allow $3000 for late mold house trailer as down payment on new 2 Wrocm house on 1 acre in Twinsburg HA 6 2315 14 Dura Craft aluminum run aboct 4 mo old scat cushions and rove" 1 INCOME PROPERTY East Cleveland licensed 3 light house keeping suite plus 5 room suite fr owner 2 baths new gas furnace Heart of Western Reserve off Cornell Rd 12 rooms furnished 3 baths ANEWALT SCHATZ MU 1 6500 pfiltw 1542 Haydn kamms Corner I Suder fill IDEALLY LOCATED IN CLKV TANDS BEST WEST SIDE RENTAL SECTION close to North of Lorain Avenue eatures of this lovely brick apartment are 11 roomy suites: garages: gat ranges electric refrigerators new hall carpet Ing incinerators: dryers etc All com pletely renovated with new furnaces copper plumbing new roof awning etc In excellent condition Best investment buy on West Side: Call WI 1 8300 or ID 400 A GALL and Stephen SKARAZ Realtor BS 2 3900 TALORD ROAD NEAR CENTER RD nm colonial In exclicrt condition ilvini nx olnln iwn md kltchm down: 2 bcdrxnns nd bth up Beautiful Im and Isndsciplnz Ideal GL 1 80S5 SHAKERWOOD 20015 Wickfield: 3 bedroom Early American: 1K baths paneled fire Plee carpeting: recreation room: at tached garage near schools and raoid transit: ovner SK 2 0345 HAL acre lot Timber Lane Dr in Northfield Centar $3300 Call after 6 LU 1 0775 PLEASANT Valley Parma: 105xl acres level 1 mi of Broadview gas water yq 1 33 6 1 Garfield Ranch $18900 i486 Only years old 5W rooms on almost AN ACPB LAND Comfortable living room extra large kitchen with breakfast nook 3 twin sized bedrooms full divided basement site 6O'x593' This house will go I Cail today SK 1 4900 2 AMILY West of E'14O near Eaton Axle: 5 and bath each suite plus 3 and bath on 3dr gas heat: cement drive open for reasonable offer LOU HERZOG ASSOC KE 1 3970 COOn VAIIT An 8 year old bungalow with 3 bedroom full UWL vhlvl living room kitchan dinette combination divided basement Hi car garage: oft Mayfield $17900 We are always short of luxury type ft fooo OlA Pslk illhh i uh 'hATtt 90x150 AD iRsM ni'e Buyers iiiiuz cxii al Gerome Capretta RcaUou fa 1 0144 Rulten SHAKER OICE NEW BUNGALOWS Charming 2 bedrooms tile bath down: 1 room up: divided basement gas heat: Rowland School $21500 Same houe with oanoied library 32 000 LIKE NEW COLONIAL This one ot'era even more than a new home: library: new gas furnace tiled kitchen and bath: 3 lare bedrooms All thl for $19900 CEDAR CENTER BRICK Are you looking for an extra large bujalow? 2 ler bedroom down eat ing space In th kitchen nclos1 porch expansion up Carpeting drapes included for $19900 AVANT to retire? 2 acres: 3 coiy rooms basement: worderful soli new well: peach trees: good drainage Make offer Rout 608 off Route 6 IV 0166 and 5 4187 ADMIRAu HOMB5 VALLTL RKKD 38 v1nvWe or the Largest Selection in the Southeast OR QUICK ACTION CALL 1 story les than 2 yrs old on 8 acre of land: 7 pri vate offices plus large genera! office and engineering room Will lease HOWARD POPE Realtor CH 3 4 1 1 2 BY OWNER: Urge single of Eu clid: 4 bedrooms finished 3rd in feme pnwibiHtles SW 1 3546 4 1 ROOM ranch: off of Euclid and 2 QUO Green: by owner SHAKER Menlo: Modern 2 family very good condition Realtor A Eisenberg PRJ 6100 LOJ 6071 (Continued In Next Column) HIGHEST CASH PRICES Alex odor Realty Homes Lots arm Apartments 3508 Lorain Ave Realtor ME 1 0116 CASH ANY CON DITION EAST SIDE Height SUPERIOR REALTY CO CE 1 0304 REALTORS QUICK ACTION Will buy your home apt or lot east or wet VARADY REALTOR cn 1 5177 6 ROOM alncie at 10003 Newton Avenr Chester and 100 St) $9500 Will finance MA 1 3460 $2000 DOWN 6 room newly painted single Eat Cleveland: balaiue Hk rM Broker EV 2 3962 knneh by uwiskk: J13BUO off Lake Shore Blvd: nicely decorated 3 bedroom new furnace carpeting and extras near schools stores busses LI 1 0877 A new semiraneh with living room Is dining room a modem kitchen Rl lavatory utilltv room 2 bedrooms '3 1 bath and family room On dr 2 bedrooms 1 bath and storage I ki ull basement with recreation room Is Gas heat Priced under $55000 call Mr Ditioe Luxury or Two A home with magic charm One floof comfort 2 delightful bedrooms ail tiled bath with shower 24 ft living room rath open fireplace carpeted Bg kitchen separate dining area urnished utility roun attached rge Large well landscaped lot Pano Compare at $19000 Call tnda frr PILKEY 2558 airmount Blvd (Comer Delamre Drive and slrmountv Roxboro 8c St Ann's Schools or Intrinsic and hsllnt value tee and compare ibis charming bcm on the basis of beauty ne'ghbor hood construction Isvout ex tertnr and interior details and ranascepjng 5 bedrooms rn second nd complete suite on third Owner )E 2 0105 unday and ts MA 1 0024 weekdays til LdUKLb mtiUUL I Executive trr heme inest mate 5 rials and construction have ra into this custom built one owner beauty Center hall walnut paneled library 4 bedrooms 2 tiled baths many other beautiful fea res Owner leaving eity CallE Mr Smith fe TWO famlly 5 5 3 and bath on 3d: half BRICK: a St Clair flrrt showing priced $21000 single 6: Edmonton Ave 310500 Snle 6: off Waterloo Rd '9000 Ray Billings Realtors GL 1 2308 17 8th north of Lake Shore Bhd? 11 room single A cond'Hon Mull Assoc UT 1 2345 UL 1 177 OR that cut hunalnw you've want ft Call May Ville Realtor HI Lojon 'Mt Walter lshI Realtor 3494 Lee Rd SK 1177 Just Ideal This Immaculate 4 bedroom ld bungalow complete with earpetinr: Koolvent awnings storms and screens Many features lor comfortable living satisfaction with each 1 AN ACTION teaf leaders Clerewncf ayfieW Green Office EV 2 36OQ OR NEW OR OLDER "OM Call ARROW realty vtt ssann 30x84 RANCH New 3 brick: 20x30 living room: full basement 3 car staed garage V3 acre lot owner will listen to oner Capitol Realtor 1 8843 yuAtK must SPI1 4 years old: I OOH Ihflrnnm n4 kj i vsii vi mat 4 2 BEDROOM SINGLE Lee Mile section: $1000 down cant Payments like rent TABORN CO LL 1 3O1O BY EUCLID Beautifully landscaped and decorated 4 bedrooms 2 full baths Extras 519000 bracket Onen dally excellent iinancinx kk smhq WMe Park: East 118 St fswdfv nrv4 rnt 1 loT heat big lot 3 garages: income $330 per month Ovner will finance PONDS REALTY GL 1 9502 GL 1 2321 BY OWNER BRICK RANCH bedrooms: 67' woMd lot: divid'd Large rooms room room norch TORY 3 bedrooms oath 2n bedroom bath 3d NEEDS DECOEATING Vacant Lo mond St School LOUlS Jnofr I WHITE 2 St Perish 14ifit o'f Clair 6 room suites: 2 new gas fur naces: 3 garages 17500 HANLON MU 6770 1233 Hayden Broker Ives GL 1 4180 NORTHWOOD SCHOOL Well planned well maintained' brick colonial: large 8 rooms plus room and bath on 3rd tiled kiteh en spacious breakfast nxm: lava tory: paneled recreation room Compare this value at only $28500 OWNER Belvoir Blvd 4 bedroom close to everything EV 2 0784 NEW homes in Lyndhurst 25400 up by Morlee Builders A 1 1510 Eves LA 1 4310 BLOCK and frame buildings with plenty of frontage on Brookpark Rd near Schaaf Rd OK for warehouses or commercial SCHOEN REALTY 550 1 State Rd SH 9 3020 $1250n 89 6 rooms gas furnace $9000 93: 2 anUlyT 5 6 $14000 115: Duplex 6 6 $18000 124: 7 rooms: gas furnace $10 500 To Buy or Self Visit Our' Office or Additional Information MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 12204 Superior ALTYPB PO 1 5 520 Modern Appeal Long low lines tn a lovely 3 rear old frame and srone ranch hmi fireplace in 22' living room iV room nr 3d bedroom colorful clay' tile bath full basement: at tachJ garage fully landscaped lotox250 with outdoor and grlh: IO stone and brick ranch conditioned: situated on 3 acres of land in Independence: magnificent view of rolling hills and exciting outlln of th eitv skyscrapers: fabulous Holly wood style' swimming pool with cabanas Iw you and your guests beautiful ieceation room leading to a stone oauo: aunken living rroom full dining room 4 twin sir bedrooms 41 colored ceramic tiled hath a most medc kitchen plus maids duarteri Priced at 8H50h QUICK ACTION Wanted by owner ms this ranch with a 23 ft livin' room dining room 3 oversize bedrooms family room king sUe kttchan ail on a two acre ilct in Broadview Heights WESTLAKE 125x345 wood'd 2 800 Lot next owner 31191 Hilliard TR 1 3433 MLS EAST CLEVELAND 6 room single: tile kitchen and bath lovely tnroughout WM BYRNE MU 1 61OO Or PO 1 1766 1535 Hayden Realtor Multiple Listing Service MOUNTVIEW off Tumey: 3 year old attractive 4'fe room bungalow ex pansion 2d large recreation room cement drive 3 car garage gaod location BY OWNER MO 2 7168 MODERN RANCH In Orange Village: 3 b4rooms Uvlnr dinlng room with wood burning fire place and studio ceiling Kitchen with dishwasher spacious recreation room and utility room: breezeway with at tached 21 a car garage: on V4 acres oi wooaea tana Call BAINBRIDGE: Colonial style 3 bed i looms and lavatory on second cedar room older home in exeelienf condl i Panel loads of ckset: 2U non on 516600 BRITTON REALTY I PLEASE PHONE 1 WANT ADS EARLY 4 SEE THE Beautiful 30 ft Sea Skiff by Chris Craft (1956) Twin 95 I has vee berths forward Lertli mattresses toilet auto matic pump rubber strut bearings forward hatch windshield wipers helmsman and companion seats semi enclosed top vent windshield and side shields anchor and line searchlight rope well and anchor chocks mast and special paint job A beauty at $7800 INC OREST HILL" RANCH BEAUTIUL NOTHING LIKE IT ANYWHERE 3 yrx old 5 large beautiful rooms 2 bed room i 2 baths recreation room: 1 attached double garag' new rarpeting and drapes You cannot realz? goreeou home until you aee it EXCLUSIVE Shown by appointment cnly Edw Kemper EV 1 4270 Rtlltor 2 57 6 61 BRECKSVILLE SEE TODAY Large 8 room home all utilities goM transportation doublt garage good buy JA 6 8328 93 63000 SQ story o'liiatnr: CA CLEVELAND SLAIN DEALER MONDAY OCT 15 HSt ill Marina Supplies Real Estate Dept Willoughby Branch 4078 Erie St WI 2 1758 Mentor Branch 1518 Mentor Ave BLackbum 5 8877 BY OWNR WICKLIPS HEIGHTS 6 room colonial with separate break fast area Near shopping center and schools Wocd bumfng fireplace in living room 3 bedrooms eiay tile bath with built in vanity Attached IVj cer garage New aluminum storms and sertens ancied recrea tion room with bar ull basement drapes and atio and outdoor barbecue A1! electric laundry On eeauttf'dly i l'ndecaped double lot Aiking $23300 2214 Buena Vlsts Drhe Call WI 3 6993 for arpohnment NEW LISTING Beautiful' living room 'vlth wood turn ing firenlare aepara'e dining room 2 large bedroom tn 1st: for more bedrouris If needcfi Ml has? mnri a land scaped lot 18300 A MALONE REALTORS OPEN EVENINGS 78902 LC Shor Blvd WI 3 4600 33 LAKELAND BLVD: Nice 2 hrtrnom I floor nln Lees thin hours on engine EX 1 9300 for ap 'iO Years old 1 car garage lot poimment lion thru Sat Suu to 5o185 Asking U0000 esch See our sign? i iving Kitcaen rod JinUi? ca WAGNER Realty AC 1 1989 aun3 ana svjcens pioieasioraiiy gcco raica oeiiw iran new arrange lor early appointmui down Capitol Realtor SK 1 3800 BUNGALOW In Euclid off Grand Blvd: rooms basement: expandable up garage drive storms and screens Can be bought on land contract with about $3000 CARL A MILLER MV 1 8097 KE 1 8442 EUCLID BY OWNER Older colonial: 5 large rooms down including wood burning fireplace sun room breakfast nook garbage dis posal tn pine kitchen 3 bMrooms btb up finished recreation room in olne rartinned basement: car garage TR 1 8910 $5' ROAMER 1956 MODDL Bteti hull 200 Chris Craft 6 ileeper Express Cruiser lying bridge: Cris Matlcs Sniffer with automatic alarm het and rold pres sure water system Les than 100 Eiuuis un enxi PintiMmAnt' If Mull Assoc sion rebuilding cablnsremodeled ex ur 1 2345 UL 1 1877 STURDEE WOOD PRODUCTS CO 1295 337 ST EASTLAKE OHIO WI1 2 4395 of orders advertisers are re quested to place ads before LOW DOWN PAYMENT DELLENBAUGH AVE: 4 bed nxxn aingie naiy tainted move right tn! 31300 down 114: 6 room single: gas furnace garage: $1000 down BERKSHIRE off Lakeview: 3 family 3 baths 3 kitchens ft 5 3 $4000 down HA or 363 LAKELAND BLVD: nice oeoroom smzi 1 0 vAn old' sn ian asWm einnnn Mull Assoc UT 1 2345 IN EUCLID Of Lake Shore Blvd near 185: 5 room single: full basement: good condition: large lot 2 car garage ONLY $12200 BEACHLAND REALTY 767 183 REALTOR IV 1 10X2 $1500 DOWN Land contract Move right in 97th and Chester 8 rooms 3 baths 2 kitchens newly decorated Owner GL 1 0451 4989 Park Dr acing Nnrth Olmsted Park a street of beautiful homes: Thl 5 yar old ranch Invites your insoeetton: 2 bed rooms: on 1 acre lot nicely land garage SP 7 0212 Houghton deLuna 17394 MadlKOT Realtor LA 1 4644 1225 BARINGTON iDndv fl room nle: CAR IELD furnace Excellent condition in and Good 5 5 newly decorated in and out: oul Erick garage: immediate poe gas heat near playground: ezsanion sion ouuld end call office Dcf poMibV'7 I inliely will not las' qp vrrp PAITV CTnn'AT 444 4 1 1218 105 GA 1 648 Sun Ever PQ 1 2714 405 200 OXE YEAR OLD RANCH npre ranch home that is cua yu iuuULL rvinvij lrmuult with th extras it has living room dining room kitchen three bedrooms and bath The are ranch plank random width Peila windows throughout a heated basement and attached garage You appreciate this classic I ranch until you've inspected it 135 RONTAGE wooded ravine enhances the beauty 1 nd privacy of this quality built ranch Large living room formal dining room and den designed for gracious spacious kitchen with modem appointments and separate nook: 2 bedrooms and 1 baths plus utility room and expansion room for 2 bedrooms more on 2d: full divided basement B4ture land 'caPpd this setting If it sounds Inter esting to you Cali today to inspect NORTH Olmsted off Lorain: 76x284 all improvements only $3200 HERSH CO Realtor CL 1 1506 WILLOWICK: 50x150x65 level south romer lot 305 and Arnold Rd By owner IV 1 0167 Member Multiple Exchange Realtor 13181 Cedar at Lee YE 2 8260 Pleasant and Well Kept Set this thomeyi 2 bedroom colonial tm Diana new st rurnace water heater: also new roof: transportation 'ahoppu and rom frame bunralow wjth man nice features Living room dinette kitchen and 2 bedroom: partial base ment See this and make an ''ffer KOVAC REALTY MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 960 185 KE 1 5030 BY OWNER EUCLID COLONIAL Nemly painted Inside and outside: 3 good size bediOoms $18900 $4200 down to qualified buyer ENJOY THESE EXTRAS Quality rail to wall carpeting In shaped living room dlneuc lighted valances lovely drapes beautiful rro room and unusual bar: big double door refrigerator: rn automatic washer: Venetian binds throughout screens storms nice yaid: attach'd paraie CallBB1 1 1 8 PR IM CIP ONLY ALL SOUTH SUPERIOR RO: 6 rooms 6 gyrates Vacant needs some rroslr $8OPO 82: 8 rooms: big lot AIRVIEW 4 SUITER Ideal location on LoraJa Road In I 3'aln'lew Park full price includes rccra home large lot: suite con lain Vi rooms each: $7900 yearly gross shown by appointment only i BENDER TUCKY 3 0128 Lorain REALTY fiL 1 5200 ED 1 5449 TU 5 1246 MEDICAL BUILDING This new profitable investment Is fully leased at $9840 per year Expenses are low and it is easily managed Priced at $82000 with a low oown payment of $35000 SCHOEN REALTY 304 State Rd SK 9 3020 BY OWNER INSURANCE fund available for firat mortgage loan on home and apt easy term Wm Van Aken Org TO 1 3535 WILL buy your 1st and 2d mortgages and land contracts AC 3 4580 PRIVATE party wl'hes to buy or make 1st or 2d mortgage or land contract Jotn Day 109? Union Comment Pldg MA 1 8178 Day or night 24 80 Noble Rd Realtor EV 1 3300 HeixLU Suburban MuitipleJJrtlng Shaker All Brick 3354 DORCHESTER RD amily Home Large double iv luxuriously landacapd 2 cn children walking to schools and churches: clce to rapid and shopping The whole family will love new recreation room LO 1 3306 NOW NEW DIERENT 3 Bedroom Ranch With complete electric built in kitchen range oven garbage dis geel cabinets large living ad joining dining room with china cabi nets day tile bath with van'ty full basement forced air gas furnace only $18500 A SIEGLER SONS Open 9 9 MO 3 7300 MJLLIKIN School: 8 year old brick colonial recently redecorated: carpet ing $2250 0 Owner YE 2 9753 3 4 1 5 ED ROOM houses 2 car tached garage: from $26400 SK 1 1011 SW 1 5977 HEIGHTS Okalona: Very nice 2 Enable Realtor Tfe JSIOQ A Eisenberg LO 1 6071 COLONIAL off 4 bedrooms baths Priced right Realtor EV 2 4335 SHAKER BLVD: SPACldus' in ROOM BRICK: EATHS UNDER $3oToO Taylor sons ye 2 0900 103 Wickliffe Wiflewick Willoughby Eeitleke Mentor ARLINGTON CIRCLE $18200 2 BEDROOMS DOWN INISHED 2D PULL POSTERED BASEMENT BOx 150 LOT: EXCLUSIVE SECTION I WILLOWICK ON COUNTY LINE MUST BE SEEN 2337 30: Large frame bldg In poor repair: 'tore and 10 room: ttore for $0 mo 5900 as It Owner SU 1 9510 EV 2 2506 Just Right for Large amily 55 Broadway area single tardy heme with 4 bedrooms on Bower Ave Suitable for working man with large new css inmirr nnm $iodoo Efaype Realty VU 3 5450 ASK OR MR KRENT 3 BEDROOM Colonial baths tiled kitchen and breakfast nook: new fur nace and water heater blinds and car peting: 1 complete living room wall mirrored front pitlo with awning: im mediate occupancy owner leaving rtate: priced for quick sale: 17603 Glendale Cai) DI 1 9706 tor appoint ment JOI East Northeast East Cleveland Euclid (Contlwaed rom Preceding Column! LAKE 5 room Euclid home overlooking the lake featuring paneled kitchen and dining room living room has fireplace gas heat 2 car garage consider this the smartest and loveliest move of your life for just $13690 Katherine Welter REALTOR OPEN 9 9 29025 Lake Shore Blvd WI 3 3800! ioth on the and Interior is evident In this Shaker Height home 4 bedroom 2 baths plus allting room on 2nd breakfast room sunroom sun porch and on quarrers 3rd 3 car gsreg At offered at $48500 Call Mane Penner EAST LLE Well proportioned rm dining rem kitchen with break fast nrok lavatory on 1st 3 bedroom and sleeping pnrch on 2nd Room and bath on 3rd 2 car garage Carpeting included Call Mr Coleman Member xclurive Multiple Exchange JOSEPH LARONGE INC Real Estate Leaders of 2124 Lee Heights Office A 1 2535 ft frontage cn route 42: 8 room model houe with electricity phone and REE garage new bam: 2 chicken coops and other buildings By owner West Salem 318 4 126 ACRES sandy loam farm: 85 acres level plow land good frontage 4 bedroom country house: god bam and silo A farm: $21000 Koons Realtor Ml Court St Medina PKore 27571 immediate occupancy Owner BE 4 1845 $15590 up SMITH nd jusi north of Hummel' In Broookpark: 3 bedroem ranches: 3 bedroom bungalow with exoenrion spare up: wide lot: laree kitchen: fun basements lath plaster 25 rcar loan I or HA 2 000 4 8550 HANDY DREAM IX IT UP YOURSEL DOWN LAND CONTRACT CL 2 0800 RMItr Inc Open RHltor Detroit AC 1 5119 SCENIC RArXv Overlooking Metropolitan Valley and Like on beautifully landscaped kt Attractive Hvln room with paneled fireplace wall: den 1n Braxlllan pine 2 bedrooms 1 bath 2 car attached garage other de luxe feature Priced in low thirties C4 Helen Mooney A SMYTHE CO 19133 Hlllltrd R4 ED 1 6159 $28500 Excellent financing available on this beautiful Blackmail built ranch home tine feature? living room 15x21: 4 bedrooms baths: 11 closets screened ter ace 11x18': double ga rage with radio doors: ctr pet: drapes dishwasher: disposal and incinerator comer lot 86x130' 102 Southeast Barfield 102 Southeast flarfiild Hts Mapl Hts Bodford Warransvilla Heights 3 bedroom bungalow In St Parish with aluminum screened porch patio on front divided ba with neneid recreation rom and Ttre TRUE VALUE I 2 year rid attractive bungalow fit Maple Heights near acnopls: large kitchen 2 bedrooms down: 2 bed rooms plus room for additional bath YOU WILL LOVE The cozy comfort tn the winter ana me reiresning ainness i outdoor charm in the summer this 3 bedroom frame colonial St Henn PerLth VACANT 2 AMILY Immediate occupancy of both bedroom suPes: soxltto 1 BRICK BUNGALOW 3 bedrooms: divided basement: away from the or trade RANK K1LBANE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE tmlt Ruliors LA 1 2723 Southeast CHioe SK M900 6450 Wilson Mills Rd 2 bedroom ranch: panrt alt purpose room on 1st floor large garare cov ered patio: selling under bank ap praisal See to appreciate a good buy Open 2 6 oally Owner HI 2 16291117 EASTWOOD Mayfield Heights: 7 room ranch: like new condition dishwater disposal! glasaed ln porch: combination storms: nice lot $18900 Shown by appointment Ml NELL REALTY 1 6300 2620 Noble Evo GL 1 6190 MULTI LEVEL Attractive Beech wood brick sM frame ranch with a dream kitch en on 2nd level powder room family room and utility room on lower levrt 3 mvster bedrooms 2 tile baths on upper level $43 900 Cali Marie Penner ELEGANCE HUNTING CAMP 5 rooms 4 beds fuel turkey grouse bear deer rent 1 7Q vee'c SabinsviUePa 2453 COTTAGES: VERMILION 2: OWN TRANSERRED MI 1 3680 BUNGALOW for rent Idesl Ner Port Richey la AC 1 1155 119 Mortgages Bought Sold REALTY CO ED 1 8400 15709 WI 1 8300 AIRVIEW INCOME OVER 516000 YEARLY MENTOR This lovely smaller home is com pletely furnished nicely landscaped car garage all this for the low price of $13500 HOLDEN On Country Club Blvd and Devon Hill Rd Between Rocky River Town Hall and Westwcod Country Club Prices start at $5500 with all Unproveneul tn and felly paid Erie Bldg Co ED 1 4437 Eves LD 1 4765 WEST 1 30TH Attention builders! Individuals! Choice building sites each Sensible restrictions for your protec tion Sewer water gas paving Small down payment Balance easy terms ELLIS CO RE 4 1231 RE 4 1231 SHEIELD LAKE 3 on EASTLAKE: 10 60 x155' provements tn and paid for AVON LAKE 2S xfl'rinfV provementa in and paid for Terms Builders only MARVIN HEL INC SW 5 3000 SUBURBAN LOTS A residential section in Parma Close to shopping center and school IMPROVEMENT IN SENSIBLY RESTRICTED REASONABLE VI 3 9454 BY OWNER MARI! Am Itinrh vlrll fironla knlH unlta YR 3 yca rll in North nimtn mi rue MV SUS DAY AD OlCVrALuf r00411 1 'J'1' WERTH REALTY fa 1 IUST SOON Open eves after 6 Sun noon to 61 BY owner: Charming Cape Cod: liv ing room 12x24 fireplace dining room 3 bedroom baths full ul rtdrd basement rtnrms 818900 Phona Avon Laka 33797 Open Sun 2 6 REAL ESTATE PROP! Take real estate problem invDULni where Jai est DroWemi are Inf Baders of Cleveland with tr? 8Un'luL rca experience considers it a privilege i nOw and a qualified salesman will discus our i many proven successful sale program with you 1A boat trailer tl1t a he1 and yfrch 3182 n0 CL 1 3980 BOAT MOTOR AlD TRAILER KE 1 10 5 7 2 MARJNi: DIESEL ENGINES WITH SPARE PARTS RE 1 60 14 KIT boats built to ord all maxes and models WIl 554 0 car garage beautiful landscape and newly decornted HI 2 4724 BUNGALOW 3 bedrooms 2 baths eml recreation 2 garages near Mayfield Belvoir: only $19700 PATTERSON Realtor EV 1 0550 MLS HEIGHTS REALTORS 13210 Cedar CORYDON RD BY OWNER 3 BEDROOM COLONIAL AIRAX SCHOOL YE 2 4177 After 4:30 Sevin Hilli ireeksvilie Broadview Heijhfs Independence I LOOR PLAN' NEW true wife raver: tiled bath natural woodwork gas disposal pieatty of room in this 3 bedrocm heme with full divided baremtnt: In new com murny exclusively renaenuai Lakw Shore Blvd I cr ilX nancinr already arranged with table banking institution BUNGALOW LIKE BRAND NEW Maple Heights Warrensville Center Libby Rd section an exceedingly nice bungalow 5 year old 3 spa cious rooms expandable 2d vestl bu'e entrance natural woodwork full 'basement gas heat iu eer garage cement drive In excellent location asking $17300 SEMIBUNGALOW $12300 Redford room ULL DIN ING ROOM 3 bedrooms bath kitchen breakfast space LARGE LOT 56x197 full basement gas heat: car garage asphalt drive an excellent home 1n which to rate children or fo a retired couple wanting space for a sadden WM BROWN 17591 Broadway Realtor MO 3 1400 em xtcnon and bath hot water New root new shingle siding furnace itnrtn taxesfirb ALAKiI LOW PRIVATE HUNTING CAMP Deer squirrel rabbit etc Swimming ana lee 'katlnr close by A SCHOOLS BUS PICK UP Bam chicken house and cthe bund ing ruit nuts and grapes Price in 1 eludes necessary machinery (tractor etct family milch cow chicken lots of good oaled hay and grain large deep freeze butter churner dishwash er and cream separator Gai oil and mineral right SACRIICE OWNER GOING WEST $20800 OR APPOINTMENT to tee thlt ex ceptional farm now call 8 Donovan State Rd RD 3 Conneaut 8 2366 ERNWAY SCHOOL A charming center hah colo nial with exterior and Interior appeal The perfect etting tor betrioom place Three rJ bedrooms with Pa bath on second: an attractive room and bath on third Priced In the middle 'twenties peretliy Such Inr Realtors WY 7676 28649 WOODLAND Pepoer Pike STANK REALTY ER 1 2014 or value see our Sunday ad Lyndall Hughes Realtor CH 7 6900 6 ROOMS 2 rtre: 105 down $32 COO BURT RALTY EN 1 6965 2 LOTS 50x150 each located on Grove Ave tit Willoughby Ohio: $1750 each: Improvement! oaid Call BrTktbPMUB'rMARKS REALTOR 1CI Q4AV Hl VV UA I 'UQKLLr 1JI area: ay owner CITY water gas and electricity de Clean well built brick and shingle: vetoper paving street 75 and 80 foot lovely rooms bath shower extra ai nr narr irrv reasonable To settle estate BE2 1733 dcai THD for appointment JAMES A LETCHER STATE AND AKINS RDS NOftTH ROYALTON: 149x250 water electricity: $4faoo A SPERLING 971? Dtnaon retltor WO 1 7300 5829 VACANT MOVE IN Owner will take trade I NAR MAYLAND TTIEATR Lo'rly 3 bedroom bunralow 3 down 1 upi recr itton rwm with bar alum'num norms rp tlnr tarap lr lot WM PETERS REALTY company 4771 Msrfmld Rd EV 3 3030 Sandusky Phone 728 3 935 THOMPSON SHORE ISHERMAN TWIN 23 HP JOHN SON ELECTRIC S2150 1954 CHRIS CRAT EXPRESS CRUISER EV1NRUDE 25 TRAILER A 1195 15' LYMAN 25 HP JOHNSON 5725 3 INBOARD RUNABOUT 75 HP 23' CHRIS CRAT EXPRESS 95 HP 2950 au cniiArt A1CELX EQUIPPED Cleveland Yacht Supply 3U4 LVJ1 JAMES EALTORS AND BUILDERS 17110 Lake Shore KE 1 4923 BEDROOMS? NAUMANN AVE 200: Ideal location which to bring up your under nf nrtr rf youngsters: near school shopping ovner occupied residence: 6e 4215 Bayard Rd EV 1 1505 vranennr atinn 1 Mvc? rrrtn iai I i a I II IM I 1 iVv Lit I 1 A A I Ou inff reBelAn I mr corm 1 'r nflinnma bath up recreation room double ga rage storms icreens carpeting: ask ing STAK1CH REALTORS tn 183 KE 1 SHAKER DUPLEX Ken yon Red ham Light bright colonial with livable attractive 7 room side: usual 3 down 3 rooms uo tile bath and 1shd 3d: sPDRiat with forced air gas furnaces new water heaters copper lines wood burning fireplace house in very gcod condition and an excellent investment near rapid ready to mo into: both ilde vacant: asking31 900 A GOOD INVEST MENT mo oia scat cushions ana fniiw AidnnM KAvir i hd rf wsm rood loraflrin coxy motor and equipped trailer $600 plenty of hts toned for ctsrnnicrcial KE 4 02b3 US? WI 2 4169 1 fnivn row 1 1 'RnilSX" Buy now and save bank financing Hugo Bouye Inc PE 3 8050'3833 RIDGE autnomeq Lvmruae qeiier uclld Motor Parts it Rebuilding 24431 Lakeland Blvd RE 2 8686 25' 7" LYMAN sedan twin 100s and trailer $1800 Excellent fishing boat Asher Beach Port Clinton Phone 24972 JPIEL THE GENT LEM EN 'la that called me looking for one of a the large model shakerwood homes please can me now it is in excel Ghent Condition with a fenced rear IGjvard and a wood burning fireplace3 just ax you wanted The 3 bed (3 rooms and bath on 2d like the rfl rest of the home are In excctient fe condition Priced at $23000 Call Air Dittoe acre reasonably priced: Southeast or Northeast: within 30 mi from Chve land 9802 Kennedy Ave SW 3 5704 WANTED: Rea! estate lot Hating Phone 2 7230 OHIO SWIT HOMES CO WE PAY CASH OR SINGLES AMILIES AND APT HOUSES EV 1 1063 BENDER TUCKY 3 0123 Lbrln REALTY CL 1 5200 ED 544 TU 1246 Warrensville Lee f45O 3 b' droom home in highly desirable section dcre to transportation and shopping extra large 2M: car carage plus many feature full hutment copper plumbing gu furnace aluminum storm and screen nd automatic washer included Call SK 1 4900 today for appointment to see thia home 6 Room Solon Colonial $17500 1134 Six room frame colonial on a large lot nicely land scaped with three cr four fruit trees In back yard: 3 bMroone and bath up living room editing room and Kitchen down conveniently located minutes away from uhoppln? full basement storms and ac eena 2 car garage Call SK 1 4900 todey for an appointment to see thia home WESTLAKE Ranch Bungalow Very attractive exterior bright cheer ful rooms cnly 8 years old: 3 bed rooms down and larpe expansion upl gas fired hot water heat beautifully lanfJsraped Jot 90x298 located on Detroit Rd fine income from garden: mown any time HELEN JOWETT AC 6422 Realtor Realtor EV 1 5304 Builder 4151 Mayfield Road GREEN ROAD irst offering: 2 bedroom bungalow with attached garage breezewav and patio: de luxe throughout larg rot: be lew $160'00 WINSTON ROAD Colonial 4 bedrooms plus panetd den on 1st: lavatory: recreation area: 2 garages Convenient home for large family CORBAN REALTOR EV 2 3400 yN New 2 bedroom home: expansion up: full divided basement: ehtrose your colors move in 2 weeks down Capitol Realtor SK 1 2600 5li room tile bath wood fireplace mirror carpeting electric strtve full basement incinerator must are to appreciate Hines forces sale byowncr LO 1 5621 GARIELD Heights: Brick: lirome and bath down 3 and bath up open 3 to 4 Sun $23500 DI 1 6754 CORLETT area: 3 room semlbungalowr pas heat automatic tank garage cement drive: atoms icreens $13900 Owner WA 1 533" BRICK COLONIAL 9ff Scarborough: usual I st plus large bedroom and finished 3d: large lt brick garages Immediate possession Oervice Keaity BY CLEVELAND HEIGHTS 2900 Washington Blvd: Modern 4 bedroom brick inele near Si school transportation Brick garages Must see appreciate Immediate nroupancy ER 1 4439 YE 2 2346 REALT5 1 2254 409 260 1 1070 $20900 vra in Realtor rv 1 1 nn iiqiQer roaax aright comfort 1 17572 Lake Shor IV 1 lwne' IjUaUC 3 KhALIl CO fTl Ktenen and hafh Ent vn' MLS GOOD INCOME 2 stores 2 auiies and 3 garages: $255 a month income Owner will finance WM BYRNE MU 1 6100 Or PO 1 1788 1535 Hayden Realtor Multiple Listing Service Shtker Heights 100 Shaker Haights University Heights University Heirhfs Cleveland Heights Beachwotd CItviland Haights Baachwtoi (Cantinoad rom Preceding Column) Waterloo and 161: 2 famlly 6 and 5: nicely decorated gas fur nace: small lot price $12500 $3500 down owner ER 1 371 6 BY ouner near Eucud Sr High: room Cape Cod: sunreom recreation: in excellent condition: immediate oc cupaney 1 5892 197: 6 room colonial: 2 porches: urate: convenient Ideation 1n rtrflee garth 10 AAA NTV home do? of Uameson MoePer fne IV 1 3161 EPSTlN CONST EV 1 6HQ0 srTTLING estate: 5 room freme ecu luroace 977 It Gan AT 1461 6 tp 9 NEW HOMES and HA approved Zehman Wolf Shermrt A 1 5163 INCOME 5 bedroom 2 bath new gas fur nnrr ir15 19 jncation sleeping room Grod not hesitate on thl $1 1700 CLEAN SINGLE 6 room home with a g'od lot: cloae to erythln Thl last at $7300 LARGE SINGLE youth on US 4 down 4 vr with 1 bedroom down and 3 up 2 bath Close to schools transportation snu cnuivnrs 1 1500 RANCH A clean 2 bedronm ranch 6 old torms windows ecreens Ings JVa car garage a nice scaped lot MAPLE HEIGHTS Off Dunham Rd: 3 bedroom bungalow with full basement gas furnace storm screens carpeting and drape Near St Pariah DOUBLE AND SINGLE' 5 5 double decker with full basement 2 furnaces and 5 room single in rear with basement furnace good income priced to sU KING smith: REALTORS TU 4 9440 AT 1 9410 Call Snider SAVE TIME AND MONEY LU I 2929 Ml I 3I8I CHOICE HOMES NEW AND USED WE CAN ELL YOUR OLDER HOME WILL BUILD ON YOUR LOT OR OURS Builder Broker for 32 Years 525 I TURNEY RD ST PARISH 3 year old semibungalow: A condi tion: Pe car garage aluminum storm: awning: Gaslnator landscaped owner MAKE OER SK 1 8117 991 PENN IELD OPEN Brick bungalow with 3 bedroom down finished 2d wood burning fireplace in living and recreation room: 2 car ga rage concrete drive solid rick By owner EV 1 6051 CEDAR CENTER BUNGALOW: 2 drooms bath down: bedroom lavatory ud: PANELED RECREATION room: Height schools ALVIN ZWICK Realtor 2 0592 SHAKER Lovely brick colonial: Lomond Bvron school district: many outstanding fea ture Sacrifice $23500 WA 1 4376 CLEVELAND Heights: Southern colo nlal 6 bedrooms 3 baths acre of ground WM WOODS Xt CO YE 2 4343 DUPLEX romer hnuse Cleveland Height Cedar Lee area By pwner YE 2 2519 HEIGHTS Hillcrest Pepper Pike prop ertle Keves Theuhaft Really SW 1 1400 HI 2 0100 IDEAL BEE CATTLE ARM 93 acres: 4 ml south cf Conneaut L01 of gtkjd pasture natural shelter MAYIELD Heights: 3 bedroom bunga low 6 yrs old recreatim room at tached garage immediate poiscsilon principal only LV 1 4237 LYNDHURST area: Darling bungelo 2 bedrooms: attached garage: base ment: carpeting: aluminum rorm By owner HI 2 7779 or GL 1 8192 ATTPilTHT fi rA Av CONSERVATIVE 1ST MORTGAGE I Near Rowland Elementarv boob I open sat ana sun 2 6 Owner MERCER SCHOOL Knr roid nd Bhoonlnr A bu pj tlful srttlnt lo th) ttrctlv(3 Early American 3 twin sire bed (3 rooms oak paneled library naneled Pl recreation room 3 car attached sarase Carpetin and drapes In eluded 329500 Call Mr Smith a Heists University Heights Cleveland eights Bsachwood THIS IS THE HOME OR YOUR LARGE AMILY Walk to St Ann's School from excel lent neighborhood handy parent can decorate big things done new roof driveway owner $25500 A 1 0078 MUST SACRIICE to settle estate 2000 sq fl for tieht manufacturing purnose: aho 2 family home in front 2221 71 $11000 A 1 5590 CH 1 3484 prick bungalow 2 bedrooms down: master bedroom up extra large vni vtVMi im mediate possession 22050 KENN1MON AVE Euclid 0 Rg 1 5218 ULTON POE: Modern brick frame 2 store 5 room suite: roij basement gat hot water heat furnace 2 car garage extra lot REP REALTY 5612 ulton Rd SH 9 1474 APPROXIMATELY 50000 sq fl bldg Tenant in warehousing and bght mfg Good income property Vie duct Realty Co 1 828 9 jiamya vr call Peterson Realty CO EV 1 4779 2095 GOODxNOR By emer 4 bedrooms near schools shopping transportation A 1 393Q IMMEDIATE occupancy: 3208 Pd wood: 4 bedrooms lavatory 1st: near school shopping bus: 18000 Owner will finance A 1 4320 SHAKER 2 family: new unoccupied1 nW AfAAOCCUranry fi'5 LQ 1 40Q5 Hudson Ohio OL 3 5395 MANTUA Near Chrysler and New 3 bedrocm ranch in new de velopment full basement large lot 314 600 available without basement at $13300 mode! heme now being completed and open every day see It Tak Rt 43 to Rt 82 tn Aurora loft on 82 about 41? miles to rost Ellsworth Ra See signs Home Park Development Co 2536 EUCLID AVE MA i 2 oairs recessea stone flower boxes side patio new Bigelow LOVELY 75 ft lots adjoining Metro carpeting fvn basement $24500 1 po'itan Park oft Richmond Rd: Pi ED 8 6054 south of Euclid Ave Jchmcnd OWNER ecaco 2 bedroom house at 7906 POMONA 1 JC1 HE 2 8710 Ave nonnneia cn i jiv acre cor htt MiiiADie ivr jq buy In this area Owner consider Top cash now House any location SW 1 7487 IN THE HEIGHTS LIST WITH SELKER 9 SELKER INC A 1 3931 IT will pay YOU to list with US Elllott Guest Co YE 3 8260: on Height for 35 year EAST: 2 family Price open Principal only No broker 1 7859 Brick Bungalow Situated on a large lot de light Ha 2 bedroom down and 3 up Living room with woodbumlng fire place beautiful recreation room: dou ble attached garage breezeway with picture window Now is the time to see it Call DeVANNA 535 185 Realtor KE 1 2227 YOUR CHOICE $2300 DOWN HA VA ST CLAIR LAKEVIEW SECTION Lovely spaciou 3 bedroom single all modern feature Must to appre ciate SAILBOAT registered snipe with steel trailer $250 Akron MI 4 6001 or Ml 4 9411 sailboat excellent condition fully equipped trailer dock age ED 1 6736 1 3 954 LYMAN ft hvinrude trailer and hitch fuuy mlpped: $825 WI 3 5341 3 STAR boat both with trailer tall rt tuUP equipped ED 1 3387 3 BOAT 15 Evlnrudr trailer must sell: $465 ME 1 0371 eves SEE THESE NEW 5 5 DOUBLE A1I room good sized extra well ron strutted cloe lo irantportailon ready for decorating LOVELY BRICK BUNGALOW 2 bedrooms dovn 1 uc: recreation room: carpeting storm: drive garage beautiful excellent location PRICE HAS BEEN REDUCED OR SATE Snider Son 5251 TURNEY RD tU 1 3339 Builder Broker 32 Year Magnificent auhorban roded LOTS REALTY OL 9 9561 Richfield 1 ACRE Wttt Bacley sacrifice WI 1 1532 By owner LOT 40x150: $1600 S34 Whitcomb Rd KE 1 516 fiiAA ov ii rjis in urooK i arx uic Tt 4 9100 CR 1 5538 oo' lot: 15 off Miler ail im provement Cheap EV 1 8788 60300: North Olmsted $3500 CL AGUE REALTY Realtor SP 7 0123 GARIELD HEIGHTS: 5 room bunga low recreation room 2 car garage: Immaculate condition 2 5 at 11115 Plymouth Ave 118 3316: 3 family 5 5: 2 gas furnaces: rarace $5000 down GALBREATH REALTY SW 1 2584 CE 1 5332 Cleveland: 4: room xaa oi SUMMIT BAILEY Gt 1 300 144! Hayden GL 1 5824 GaRRETESVILLE 65 acre 'arm: has 7 rcnm horn Mm milk house chicken coop $14000 DI 1 5456 106 ACRE dairy farm 8 room house full basement furnace all machinery tractor: ord truck Conneautville A 1 1 5 2 2 50 ACRES North Royalton: Suitable for development Owner will finance EN 8393 Suburban all Catalog Write Xi 3 own vtiir't i lor 1958 irm talow Miller Rially Co Gentva ramh cirv Mayfield Rd HI 2 6000 Bric' WM Ksrtrwxvr 4 hetha 9nd' llnrarv powder room screened rear porch tie kitchen recreation room: cr at tached garage $53000 ing lovelier owner to approve buyer Pepper Ranch: 4 bedrooms bath: 2 car attached garage a home on a hill with the lovelier view city conveniences: $48000 Will consider offer BRUNSWICK i Acre Lots New allotment 97 and 105 ft wide Lil some wooded gte electric reutrlcrei parochial xnd public school buses 18 rilles ouh of on Starview Drive off Grafton Rd on north sld of Graf ton Rd County Poau 42 mile east off US 42 or Pearl Rd 81150 each $50 down Balance $25 month these prices and terms offered this week only will show lots rom 12 Noon 'till dark COUNTRY LIVING 18in0 Rnaton Rd fitncm hmxe jiwr plan unaer car garage i acres juum I car garage lot 21560 Boston Rd 6 room remodeled 1 £304 Makm: Colonial center hall: I nome on 4 acre siauuu 1782? Howe Rd 5 room 1 rcar old 1h2BJ)tS 2d: finished ranch tyne a acre $14900 headdnrw 1 ren3'Ctr carase over OR MORE DETAILS CALL 1 AbJl? Jiri: BRIGHT REALTY ty UIUUIH HLrtLli by APPOINTMENT OWNER 3586 25 SH 9 1 1 55 IJOVIEW Rd: Vacant 6 room MMI wn W'Ona bumlnv firnln 250 fl deen: 2 car garaged Christ non Prtcel riSht at NELAVIEW REALTY LIBERAL LOANS: No red tape lrct Senqid Reflna icing Erro Citixen Bld? 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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


Can I read The Plain Dealer online? ›

circulation department, you have access to The Plain Dealer e-edition via any of The Plain Dealer apps and via the desktop browser version using the same username and password on up to three devices.

How do I stop Plain Dealer? ›

You can cancel your subscription to The Plain Dealer at any time. Please email or call 216-999-6000. You may also cancel online.

Is the Cleveland Plain Dealer still in print? ›

Plain Dealer Publishing Co. provides content and publishes in print seven days a week.

How much does an obituary cost in The Plain Dealer? ›

Placing an obituary in The Plain Dealer – Home Delivery starts at $269.95.

How much is a Cleveland Plain Dealer subscription? ›

Just $10 a month. You will be charged monthly unless and until you cancel your subscription. You may cancel your subscription at any time by calling 216-999-6000 or by visiting Can I get a subscription with an introductory offer?

Does The Plain Dealer still deliver? ›

Expect delivery of your newspaper by 6:00 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, by 7 a.m. on Saturdays and by 8:30 a.m. on Sundays.

What does The Plain Dealer mean? ›

Word Forms Origin Noun. Filter (0) Someone who interacts or does business straightforwardly and honestly.

Is The Plain Dealer building empty? ›

The building has largely sat vacant since the Plain Dealer sold it for $12.4 million in 2022. Brad Harmon, president and publisher for The Plain Dealer and called the planned use of the building “a perfect fit.”

How old is the Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

The PLAIN DEALER was founded as a weekly newspaper on 7 Jan. 1842 by JOSEPH WM. GRAY (1813-62) and became an evening daily on 7 Apr. 1845.

What is Cleveland best known for? ›

Cleveland's quirky, unparalleled culture

One of the most iconic landmarks in Cleveland is the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. This legendary museum pays homage to the legends of rock and roll with its extensive collection of artifacts, interactive exhibits and live performances.

How much is The Plain Dealer newspaper? ›

The huge majority of people who read The Plain Dealer do so by subscribing, but people who buy the paper on newsstands will see higher prices starting Monday: $5 on Sundays and $3 the rest of the week. It's part of our continuing effort to sustain local journalism for the long term.

How much is a subscription? ›

Just $10 a month.

How do I find old obituaries in Cleveland, Ohio? ›

The period 1976 to the present: The Cleveland Public Library maintains an index of all death notices and obituary articles that appeared in the Cleveland Press (1976-June 1982) and Plain Dealer (1976 to 2014).

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Views: 6227

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.