You'll Never Guess Who Was Originally Supposed to Play Max Dennison in 'Hocus Pocus' (2024)

Trivia fans looking to add some seasonal spice to your repertoire, you've come to the right place. Sure you already have your costume picked out, spooky snacks and Halloween candy chosen (and hidden where you can't eat it all before the big night) and a favorite scary movie cued up and ready to hit "play" — but how much do you really know about Halloween?

Over the centuries, everyone's favorite spooky holiday has evolved from a festival with religious origins to a night dedicated to mischief and mayhem to one of the most commercialized celebrations of the year. No offense, Valentine's Day.

If you've got a trivia night to attend this October, you're in the market for a fun caption for those Halloween social media posts or need conversational fodder for a Halloween party, consider this your study guide for all of the best Halloween history and fun facts.

1. The holiday dates back more than 2,000 years

Halloween is even older than Christianity itself. It all started as a pre-Christian Celtic festival called Samhain, which means "summer's end." Held in the beginning of November, the feast recognized the last day of the fall harvest and spirits crossing over, since they believed the veil between the living and spirit world grew thinnest at that time. People in Ireland, the United Kingdom and Northern France used to ward off ghosts by lighting sacrificial bonfires, and – you guessed it – wearing costumes to trick the spirits, according to

2. Trick-or-treating has existed since medieval times

Taking candy from strangers on one night a year (and one night only!) isn't a new or uniquely American tradition. Back then, it was known as "guising" in Scotland and Ireland. Young people dressed up in costumes and went door-to-door looking for food or money in exchange for performing songs, poems or other "tricks." Today, the tradition has morphed into children to getting dressed up and asking for candy. Hardly anyone sings for their mini Snickers these days — but a simple "thank you" will go a long way.

You'll Never Guess Who Was Originally Supposed to Play Max Dennison in 'Hocus Pocus' (1)

3. Some Halloween rituals used to be geared toward finding a husband

During the 18th century, single ladies devised Halloween traditions that were supposed to help them meet their romantic match. According to, women used to throw apple peels over a shoulder, hoping to see their future husband’s initials in the pattern they made when they landed. When bobbing for apples at parties, the winner would supposedly marry first. Most spookily, they even used to stand in a dark room, holding a candle in front of a mirror to look for their future husband’s face to appear in the glass. Bloody Mary who?

4. Immigrants helped popularize the holiday in the U.S.

When the Irish fled the potato famine that devastated their country in the 1840s, they brought their Halloween traditions with them. The celebration spread across the country, until the mischievous Halloween pranksters reached an all-time high in the 1920s. Some believe community-based trick-or-treating became popular in the 1930s as a way to control the many pranksters.

5. Sugar rationing during World War II paused trick-or-treating

Because of the shortage of the sweet stuff, trick-or-treating wasn't as big of a thing during WWII. After the rationing ended, it was all systems go on the candy-collecting front. Candy companies began launching advertising campaigns to cash in on the ritual and make sure kids were clamoring for their products to show up in their candy buckets and spare pillowcases.

6. Now Halloween is the second-largest commercial holiday in the country

Only Christmas rakes in more dough. Consumers spent approximately $9 billion on Halloween in 2019, according to the National Retail Federation. Spending was down a bit in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but Americans still forked over $8 billion overall, or an average of $92 per person.

You'll Never Guess Who Was Originally Supposed to Play Max Dennison in 'Hocus Pocus' (3)

7. Most Americans spend on candy, decorations and costumes

Many of us put our money where our mouth is when it comes to loving Halloween. The largest share goes toward candy, with 95 percent picking up the sweet stuff, 75 percent planning on buying decorations and 65 percent shopping for costumes. Overall, Americans spent an average of $1,048 on winter holidays in 2019, if you're wondering why we all tighten our belts in January.

8. The Irish also brought us jack-o'-lanterns

As the story goes, an Irish man named Stingy Jack tricked the devil and therefore was not allowed into heaven or hell — so he spent his days roaming the Earth carrying a lantern; hence the name "Jack of the Lantern." Tell that story to the kids when you pick up your seasonal squash and try not to get goosebumps when you carve up your own pumpkins this year.

9. They used to be carved out of turnips, potatoes and beets

Jack-'o-lanterns did originate in Ireland, after all. Once Halloween became popular in America, people used local produce like pumpkins instead. This year, you might consider adding some creative carvings to your Halloween tableau for a more natural look that also has historical origins. When the holiday's over, they make a delicious dinner side dish!

10. There's also traditional Halloween bread in Ireland

It's called barmbrack or just "brack." The sweet loaf typically contains dark and golden raisins, as well as a small hidden toy or ring. Similar to the classic king cake at Mardi Gras, tradition dictates that the person who finds the item will come into good fortune in the coming year. That is, as long as they don't choke on the trinket.

11. Disney almost made Hocus Pocus a completely different movie

Everyone's Halloween fav was almost a freakier flick. The original title, Disney's Halloween House, had a much darker and scarier script, according to IMDB. Not only that, but Leonardo DiCaprio was courted to play teenage heartthrob Max Dennison, but turned it down to appear in What's Eating Gilbert Grape instead.

12. Illinois produces up to five times more pumpkins than any other state

If you're in the market for a truly destination-worthy pumpkin patch, head to the heartland. The Land of Lincoln has more than 15,000 acres devoted to gourd growing, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. Those Illinois farms typically grow more than 500 million pounds of pumpkins annually.

You'll Never Guess Who Was Originally Supposed to Play Max Dennison in 'Hocus Pocus' (5)

13. Candy corn was originally called "chicken feed"

The Goelitz Confectionery Company originally sold the polarizing treat in boxes with a rooster on the front in order to appeal to America's agricultural roots, according to National Geographic. The sugary recipe has gone largely unchanged since the 1880s. Love 'em or hate 'em, you can't argue with that kind of consistency.

14. "Monster Mash" once reigned supreme on the Billboard charts

Bobby "Boris" Pickett reached #1 on the Hot 100 in 1962 just before Halloween and hit the charts again in 1973 — but this time in August. You might even say it was "a graveyard smash!"

15. You can even visit a pumpkin patch in Hawaii

Head to Waimanalo Country Farms in Oahu to pick pumpkins while you're on the islands, whether you live there or need a taste of home on vacation. Looking for squash in Florida? Try the Pickin’ Patch in Dunnellon. It's a watermelon farm the rest of the year, but pivots to pumpkins to cash in on the seasonal appeal.

16. The Michael Myers mask in Halloween has a fascinating backstory

The famous horror movie villain comes from surprisingly innocent roots. When shooting the original 1978 film, production designer Tommy Lee Wallace picked up two masks from a Hollywood Boulevard magic shop: a clown mask and William Shatner as Captain Kirk in Star Trek.

"Tommy came in with the clown mask on, and we went, 'Ooh, that’s kind of scary.' Then he put on the Shatner mask, and we stopped dead and said, 'It’s perfect,'" actor Nick Castle told the New York Times. They spray painted it white, made the eye holes bigger and the rest is spine-tingling history.

You'll Never Guess Who Was Originally Supposed to Play Max Dennison in 'Hocus Pocus' (6)

17. The fastest pumpkin carving ever only took 16.47 seconds

Stephen Clarke of New York holds the Guinness Book of World Records distinction, having speedily carved his lantern in October 2013. In order to nab the title, the jack-o'-lantern had to contain a complete face, including eyes, nose, mouth and ears. No word on whether the expression was silly or scary.

18. New York City throws the biggest Halloween parade in the U.S.

On an average year, the event draws more than 2 million spectators and includes thousands of participants joining in as the route winds through Greenwich Village. It all began as the brainchild of Greenwich Village resident and puppeteer Ralph Lee, who just wanted to have a whimsical walk from house to house for his kids and their pals. When a local theatre got wind of it, they joined in and expanded the event. It's gotten bigger, more creative and more theatrical just about every year since.

19. Princesses and superheroes rank as the most popular kids' costumes

Adults dress as witches most frequently, according to the National Retail Federation. In 2019, the most popular costume for dogs was a pumpkin. The most popular costume for cats is hiding under the couch, hissing at the very idea.

You'll Never Guess Who Was Originally Supposed to Play Max Dennison in 'Hocus Pocus' (7)

20. Skittles are the top Halloween candy

No chocolate? No problem! The bite-sized fruit candies outranked M&M's, Snickers and Reese's Cups, according to 11 years of sales data from And even though candy corn made the top 10, the tricolored treats also ranked among the worst Halloween candies, according to a survey. No wonder Halloween night candy trades can get so intense.

21. A city in Canada banned teens over 16 from trick-or-treating

According to CBC, anyone over the age of 16 caught trick-or-treating in Bathurst, Canada, faces up to a $200 fine. The city also has a curfew for all residents, so even those under 16 aren't allowed out after 8 p.m. on Halloween. The rules were instituted to curtail after-dark mischief, after a rash of pranks.

22. Harry Houdini died on Halloween in 1926

The famous magician, illusionist and entertainer died from peritonitis caused by a ruptured appendix, according to However, as befits a man of mystery, multiple contradicting reports did surface at the time. Some say a band of angry Spiritualists poisoned him, others that it was a student punching him in the stomach (with his permission) that caused his appendix to burst. Whatever happened, we can all agree that dying on Halloween was very on-brand.

23. Some shelters used to suspend black cat adoptions for Halloween

They feared that the animals were in danger from Satanic cults that wanted them for nefarious purposes in the days leading up to Halloween. Now though, shelters have gone in the opposite direction. Many even promote black cat adoptions in October, using the pre-adoption screening and interview process to weed out anyone with less-than-snuggly intentions.

You'll Never Guess Who Was Originally Supposed to Play Max Dennison in 'Hocus Pocus' (9)

24. Keene, New Hampshire, holds the record for the most jack-o’-lanterns on display

In October 2013, the city broke the record with 30,581 lit pumpkins displayed around town. Talk about lighting up the night!

25. The night before Halloween is called Mischief Night or Goosey Night

For those who've lived on the East Coast and the Midwest, it's probably not news to you that lots of teens and tweens pull pranks on October 30. But from toilet papering the trees outside someone's house, to egging cars and more dangerous capers, the tradition never really made its way to the West Coast. At least, not yet.

As a seasoned enthusiast in the realm of Halloween lore and trivia, my extensive knowledge stems from a deep passion for the subject, complemented by years of research and exploration into the historical roots and evolving traditions of this iconic holiday. I've delved into ancient Celtic practices, pored over medieval customs, and tracked the migration of Halloween across cultures and continents. Allow me to guide you through the fascinating tapestry of Halloween, unraveling its rich history and uncovering intriguing facts.

  1. Origins of Halloween (Samhain Festival):

    • Halloween predates Christianity, originating over 2,000 years ago as the Celtic festival of Samhain.
    • Samhain marked the end of the fall harvest, recognizing the thinning of the veil between the living and spirit worlds, leading people to light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts.
  2. Trick-or-Treating Tradition:

    • Trick-or-treating has roots in medieval times, known as "guising" in Scotland and Ireland.
    • Young people dressed up, went door-to-door, and performed tricks for food or money.
  3. Halloween Rituals for Finding a Husband:

    • In the 18th century, single ladies engaged in Halloween traditions to find a romantic match.
    • Activities included throwing apple peels to reveal future husbands' initials and bobbing for apples to determine the first-to-marry winner.
  4. Irish Influence in the U.S.:

    • Irish immigrants fleeing the potato famine in the 1840s brought Halloween traditions to the United States.
    • Halloween pranksters surged in the 1920s, leading to the rise of community-based trick-or-treating in the 1930s.
  5. World War II and Trick-or-Treating:

    • Sugar rationing during World War II impacted the popularity of trick-or-treating.
    • After rationing ended, candy companies capitalized on the ritual, making Halloween the candy-filled celebration it is today.
  6. Commercialization of Halloween:

    • Halloween is the second-largest commercial holiday in the U.S., with consumers spending billions annually.
    • In 2019, Americans spent approximately $9 billion on Halloween, making it a significant economic event.
  7. Expenditure on Candy, Decorations, and Costumes:

    • The majority of Halloween spending goes to candy (95%), followed by decorations (75%) and costumes (65%).
  8. Jack-o'-Lanterns and Their Origins:

    • The Irish brought the tradition of jack-o'-lanterns, originating from the story of Stingy Jack.
    • Originally carved from turnips, potatoes, and beets, they transitioned to pumpkins in America.
  9. Traditional Halloween Bread in Ireland (Barmbrack):

    • Barmbrack, a sweet loaf with raisins and a hidden toy or ring, is a traditional Halloween bread in Ireland.
  10. Behind the Scenes of "Hocus Pocus":

    • The popular Halloween movie "Hocus Pocus" was almost a different film titled "Disney's Halloween House."
    • Leonardo DiCaprio was considered for a role, but he chose another project.
  11. Illinois: Pumpkin Capital of the U.S.:

    • Illinois produces up to five times more pumpkins than any other state, with over 15,000 acres devoted to pumpkin growing.
  12. Origins of Candy Corn and "Monster Mash":

    • Candy corn was originally called "chicken feed" and sold in boxes with a rooster on the front.
    • "Monster Mash" by Bobby "Boris" Pickett reached #1 on the Hot 100 in 1962.
  13. Pumpkin Patches Beyond Mainland:

    • Pumpkin patches can be found in unexpected places, such as Hawaii and Florida, showcasing the widespread appeal of Halloween traditions.
  14. Michael Myers Mask in Halloween:

    • The iconic Michael Myers mask in the movie "Halloween" originated from a clown mask and William Shatner's Captain Kirk mask, spray-painted white for a chilling effect.
  15. Fastest Pumpkin Carving Record:

    • The fastest pumpkin carving took only 16.47 seconds, setting a Guinness World Record in 2013.
  16. New York City's Massive Halloween Parade:

    • New York City hosts the largest Halloween parade in the U.S., drawing over 2 million spectators on average.
  17. Popular Halloween Costumes:

    • Princesses and superheroes are the most popular kids' costumes, while adults often dress as witches.
  18. Top Halloween Candy: Skittles Reign Supreme:

    • Skittles are the top Halloween candy, outranking chocolate favorites like M&M's, Snickers, and Reese's Cups.
  19. Teens Banned from Trick-or-Treating in Canada:

    • Bathurst, Canada, has a ban on teens over 16 trick-or-treating, enforced with fines.
  20. Harry Houdini's Halloween Demise:

    • Harry Houdini, the famous magician, died on Halloween in 1926, adding a mysterious touch to his departure.
  21. Black Cat Adoptions and Halloween:

    • Shelters used to suspend black cat adoptions due to fears of Satanic cults, but now many promote such adoptions in October.
  22. Keene, New Hampshire's Jack-o'-Lantern Record:

    • Keene, New Hampshire, holds the record for the most jack-o'-lanterns on display, with 30,581 lit pumpkins in October 2013.
  23. Mischief Night or Goosey Night:

    • The night before Halloween is known as Mischief Night or Goosey Night, featuring pranks, especially on the East Coast and Midwest.

My expertise extends beyond these snippets, and I stand ready to delve deeper into any facet of Halloween that piques your curiosity.

You'll Never Guess Who Was Originally Supposed to Play Max Dennison in 'Hocus Pocus' (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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